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How does a checklist assist instructors in complying with copyright policies?

A checklist will include all the steps that are required to request for materials that are required in the course. EL 114 states "The questions can assist instructors in planning their involvement in researching and obtaining copyright permissions for their courses." Since copyright laws are abstract instructor can simplify their process by using a set of questions. A checklist will help instructor's to ensure that they order required permissions 4-6 months before a new course. Thanks, Tom

Everyone gets busy so a checklist can really help keeping instructors on task when it comes to copyright.

Renee Shaffer

The checklist, which I printed for myself...hopefully not violating copyright laws, can help the instructor with best practices. I wrote a book in 2005 on pregnancy and men (which became an Best Seller). Some of the research material came from second sources. It was interesting to contact the original authors about their findings and ideas. These contacts were followed up with 'sign off' forms and postage return envelopes to those I spoke with. There was not one rejection among the contacted writers. Of course, there were those I couldn't reach and no response from publishers. But those contacted were flattered and interested in my work. I like to think that some lasting relationships were formed.


good work on trying to get those clearances for your book! And to think that lasting relationships were made is frosting on the cake.

Renee Shaffer

I like the idea of a copyright checklist. In manufacturing, processes bring raw material to its final product; however, without a good process, the probability of a good product is unlikely. I believe with a copyright checklist, one can protect itself from litigation and to ensure a proactive attempt to overcome unforeseen obstacles in obtaining copyright clearances.

The the checklist if detailed enough will ensure that the instructor is following the rules of using something that's copyrighted and will ensure that they go through the proper procedures to not only use the material spontaneously, but to have the ability to use the material on a regular basis. A checklist is really just a procedure for them to follow to ensure their following best practices for securing copyright permission or the fair use guidelines.

Checklist or procedure, either way, it is so useful for instructors to have on hand when making decisions about copyright.

Renee Shaffer

As a number of participants have already stated, checklists are a helpful tool for faculty/instructors. The checklist presented identifies a range of great reminders. I preferentially look for materials that are in the public domain where terms of use are specified (example--clip art versus photograph from intranet).

Thanks to Robert who could give us a real life example of this!

The checklist is a short version of the lecture. I think the first parts were interesting. Is it meaningful and necessary? So often, in this age of quick and hurry, we don't often think of these two words- meaningful and necessary. More is better, of course! Right? :)

The checklist will be able to give structure to a process.

It would be a reference for the instructor to prevent any accidental violations of the law

Also a checklist would become routine and the instructor would know that checklist

Checklists are a great way of ensuring that specific goals are met. Checklists provide organization to a task and provide a visual of progress made. In this instance, a checklist would assist instructors by ensuring that all criteria are met before using any copyrighted works.

Hello All,

Good morning! Institutions and instructors are bound to follow copyright laws. However, the state of instructors is varied in 2014. With online learning and the use of many adjuncts online and on-ground, it is important to find inventive ways to keep all faculty members up-to-date on and to follow procedures. Not all instructors are centrally located on a campus. Many if not most instructors are also not legally trained. As such, having a checklist for copyright laws will help to cover the administrative and legal end, not to mention making it easier for instructors on the practical side. Any thoughts?

Have a great day!


A checklist simplifies the process. Copyright law is complex, but the actions instructors take don't have to be. A checklist is also a great way to make the copyright process easier. When we are pressed for time (as I'm sure most of us are), it helps to have all materials on hand to be able to ask for copyright permissions if we are doing it ourselves, or to know what process we prefer and how to accomplish it, if we are using readers, etc.

A checklist will assist instructors in complying with copyright policy by first making them aware of copyright policy. Many instructors are not aware of all of the nuances of copyright law! By providing a checklist, with specific verbage, instructors will become aware of copyright law. This will start them thinking and asking questions. They will begin to evaluate what they do in a F2F classroom and in an online teaching environment. After they evaluate their classroom content, they will then be able to obtain permission for their needed course information.

The use of a Checklist to assist instructors with copyright policies is helpful as it creates a framework outlining specific issues which adhere to a policy of compliance and provide information to those seeking copyright permissions about particular areas of concern that should be addressed. By completing the checklist prior to incorporating any copyright protected materials the institution and individual instructors have taken the initial necessary steps toward being and serving as examples of Good Digital Citizens. However, an explanation of “Fair Use” and “Public Domain” must be included with the checklist (or institutional-wide training as an alternative). If either term is not clearly explained – there would likely be some confusion among users, which would negate the intended effectiveness of the checklist.

Because of the complexity of copyright and all that it stands for, a checklist to ensure compliance is mandatory. Checklist assist instructors who often are juggling several things

Since the responsibility of obtaining copyright clearance falls under the instructor when using copyrighted materials in their courses (being in-person or online), a checklist can assist an instructor by determining if the material falls under “fair use” or if permission is needed from the copyright holder. If permission is needed from the copyright holder, a checklist can assist an instructor by keeping him or her on track of obtaining the necessary permissions.


Often times we are instructors can be overwhelmed with all that we have to do, so a checklist is a great tool to use in order to make sure that we are adhering to the copyright law. Thanks.

Renee Shaffer

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