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From Linear to Customized Information Processing

The current model of information processing is a continuous cycle. It allows for constant learning, interaction, production, output, and input. It is no longer linear as it used to be before current technologies and there is no beginning or end to the cycle. This model makes it possible for learners to really expand on every topic, assignment, etc. The linear model was very directional and limited. The overall outcome on society is a learning opportunity that through time and evolution will make the human race much more intelligent than we would have otherwise been. We are inadvertently learning more which surely has a positive effect on business and society in general.

I agree that learners can expand on every topic. I find an interesting dichotomy in that these same students tend to have zero writing skills. Text technology has inhibited their ability to formulate a formal essay. I feel that society is offering a diservice to these individuals by allowing this informal communication when it may not be approrpriate. I have been called 'strict' for insisitng on formal communications. What tools have you used to help with this area?

These strategies are organized according to the order in which an academic might implement them. Following each strategy is a word that describes whether the strategy targets motivation, instruction, practice, or feedback.

1. Emphasis to students that good writing skills are important, both to their satisfactory completion of the unit and to their future careers. Encourage students to improve their writing skills. (Motivation)

In my opinion, linear thinking is for horses that have blinders on them. In this way, a horse can only look forward, the way that the master wants them to look. It is a big world out there.

Linear thinking is passe. We must learn to become non-linear thinkers who are able to solve non-linear problems easily. Linear thinkers can be controlled by elites, and will do their bidding without question.

For example, hundreds of years ago, armies would stand about 30 years apart and shoot at each other, killing and maiming hundreds. So stupid can you get! Would you stand in a line only to get killed or maimed for a king or a duke? Not me. I woke up. I am a non-linear thinker, and will remain so for the rest of my life.

Donald L. Buresh

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