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How Will You Show Your Passion in Online Learning?

We all just completed the first quiz. The first presentation was clear and multi-sensory. But, I wonder how you show your passion. Do you see areas in online education where you will be able to incorporate your personality, humor, personal excitement in the online classroom?

This is an excellent question, Kathryn. I will do my best to answer the different parts of the question.

The only way I see my self, after careful evaluation, incorporating aspects of my personality in my teaching strategies is if I am teaching a subject in which I am fully immersed. Yes; I do have a flair for teaching in an online environment. And I do have a passion for the same; however, I cannot quantify that passion as easily as when I am teaching a subject in which My life is fully immersed. Examples of a subject area will be English Grammar, and Spiritual Development. These statements apply to "personal excitement" also.

In regards to humor, I exercise caution as it is difficult to gauge how receptive students can be to humor. The same humor can offend someone; yet, again, it can please someone else.

I believe responding in detail to a student's questions and encouraging them to be inquisitive learners will show the students how passionate you are about the course and their ideas/participation

These are certainly measures you can take to project your passion to your students. Providing additional reading materials for specific subject areas in your course may also convey your passion; especially to students who have a keen interest to pursue further knowledge in your course content (beyond the domain of the syllabus, and have the time to do so. Encouraging students to ask any questions in the general content area and responding to their inquiries may also be supportive.

I believe I will be able to show my passion in online learning through
1) the types of topics and forum questions that I present for my students. Using my humor, passion for teaching computers and history and incorporating graphics such as comic strips, maps, etc will enable my students to see how passionayr I am.
2) Showcase and collaborate with other faculty and online groups related to the subjects that I teach.

These are all great strategies for conveying your passion about teaching in an online environment; especially Number 2.

That is a good question. I saw very good answers, such as encourage questions. I also think that to answer their questions in a timing manner and adding your personal touch in each answer will show them in some way your passion to teach.

Participating in activities that would constantly engage and challenge learners would project your passion for teaching in an online environment. Of of course, as you mentioned, adding your personal touch could go a far way to demonstrate your passion.

It's my understanding that an instructor can post personal information about themselves. I'm hoping to convey my passion initially in that manner. Also, I agree with Shon's comment that your responses and encouragement will reveal alot about you as an instructor.

1. I think it will help greatly to be a really good writer!

2. Already in taking this course, I notice that hearing a voice can really animate the learning experience. Here again it would be best if the speaker really was obviously enthusiastic and knowledgable.

3. So far the quality of the graphics have not impressed me in this course. I can see that creative and clear graphics also could make quite a positive difference.

Please share with us a list of the kinds of information you would share with students to convey your passion about teaching in an online environment.

Proficient oral written communication skills can certainly add to your flair for teaching online; so could excellent speech properly modulated etc and well recorded.

It all depends on the subject I think, some of the subject would feel kind of strange if studied on line. Some of them will never feel like id studied in a real classroom

Please elaborate on why you think learning in an online environment will feel strange. What kinds of subjects do you feel is inappropriate for online delivery? What kinds of Subjects you believe would lend themselves well to online delivery?

As technology improves, so does online education. Of particular interest is the area of video conferencing which has now reached high definition quality at a VERY affordable price. From my experience, this has worked well in synchronous yet distant enviroments.

In this format, it is quite easy for an instructor to interject his/her personality thereby demonstrating passion and reach a broad base of participating students. I really planned on starting a new post for this to get feedback, but I felt it was also relevant as a reply to this topic.

Video-conferencing is, in my opinion, the closes we can come to as a substitute ofr face-to-face instruction. And yes; it is a viable medium through which an Instructor can demonstrate those kinds of behaviors to show how passionate he or she is.

Do all of your students have the technology, including Internet speed to support successful participation in video-conferencing.

For our purposes, we have in some ways reinvented video conferencing by having students seated in remore classrooms. In this manner, we have retooled traditional classroom instruction to include remote engagement as well. In terms of technology and internet speed, we would have control over each of these factors. This can work great especially when considering group to group interaction.

Help me to fully comprehend the solution you have described by advising whether the "remote classrooms" are located on-site at the school. Thanks Gregory.

The Instructor needs to be approachable and personable during an online course. Since there is a barrier between the instructor and the student - e.g. technology - communication is essential. Personalities of the Instructor and the student are exhibited through their writing, stories, ideas, different point of view, sense of humor, and through the use of emoticons (should they exist in the online environment).

As an Instructor, how we approach the classroom environment will tell the students whether we care or not.

Being approachable, personable, patient, and supportive are all essential qualities of a good online instructor. All of these qualities can be blended into online teaching behaviors that reflect a passion for the course content as well as for teaching in an online environment.

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