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Visual Methods: Using power point pictures

For my students,they had to identify the microscpe i had put up a microscope on the white board from the projector and one person from the teams had to come up and write on the white board and draw a line to the part they were identifing on the microscope for points it went really well. Love the visual memory!

The visual memory married to the kinesthetic action of doing is a great double strategy.

Visual learning has proved to be a fast pace way of achieving our retention goal. I use power point with question between slides on the subject matter I am trying to convey.
If you show slides only you lose some of your students but a quiz on what has been shown works to keep the class on it toes. This is done on a team basis. Divide the class in teams and test retention.

Thanks for your strategy, Sandra!

My students seemed to like the powerpoint handouts and I incorporated questions along the way. This year I am going to add eclicker and see how successful that is.

Clicker are great involvement tools.

For my students, hands on is a great tool. I also use power point and I try to incorporate as many pictures as possible.

I also do this “in spades”. My PPT’s have a LOT of visuals; graphs, cartoons, and pretty pictures. Ok, cool pictures.

I team taught with another instructor in one of my jobs and she always used the power point as something to write her presentations on. I found this a very boring way to use this medium. I, on the other hand, preferred to use the power point as a supplement to the presentation and not the notes of the presentation. I love to use gross pictures, humorous cartoons, music, etc. in my power points as a "shock" factor. The students pay more attention when you suddenly place a shock factor in.

Yes, I agree the unexpected does get and keep learner attention.

I agree I think power point lectures put students to sleep. I do hiwever use power point pictures or colorbooks such as a drawing of the heart. The students color and identiy the anatomy of the heart this is more hands on and more visual.

This sounds like a great idea! I will implement this into anatomy diagram, immediately on the eraser board and allow for the students to write them in.

I use slides and at the end of every 5 slides I do a memory recall . I may also use tools for show and tell and do recall again.

Every 5 slides is a good interval.

Need reinforcement in another fashion

Nancy, I agree with you that a powerpoint that is only dry words and sentences is boring and does not hold my attention or "grab" my attention. I prefer presentations that have pictures, sound effects or music, and humor; my students like that kind too.
In my lectures and learning activities, I also use humor and visual or auditory examples to help the students remember more. My students have reported they find learning is fun and they feel they remember the material because they recall the way it was presented.

I also love to use the gross pictures in the power points, I call it getting to the good stuff. I also use my personal tales from the ER of gross and /or humerous stories. The students have said that it would be something I pointed out on a power point slide or a story from the ER hat helped them remmber the info not only just for the test but for the future as well.

Melissa , these examples you share create mental pictures for your learners that they do not forget.

Michele Deck

I will have to try this method in my class. I tend to lose people during power point presentations, but a few questions to break up the material would be helpful. Thanks for the tip!

Power point is fine to use. I add questions in the presentation between slides. Answers to be written down and discussed after the presentation is over. This keeps them on their toes!!

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