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After every chapter in our book there are crosswords and we use them as a group activity.

Crosswords are good tools for learning.

I agree. I love doing crossword puzzles on my own and the students enjoy doing them. It's nice to give them as a warm-up activity before getting deep into lecture. It gets their brain going.

I have used crosswords and search a words for class and for clinical. The students seem to like them and it is a good way to get their brains engaged.

Noadiah, engaging students is essential.

I love crossword puzzles. Sometimes they start reluctant and then they get into them and start to enjoy them as much as me

If students give crossword puzzles a chance, they can find a great learning tool that does not look like one.

This is a great idea to use crossword puzzles. It is fun and a great thinking tool.

Crossword puzzles can challenge and get keep students engaged, especially when they have the terms and words in front of them. Going over the puzzle would be useful to review the content again.

Yes, making the answers available as a part of class or give access out of class, too.

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