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Group activity

Group activity is a good learning tool for students to share ideas and views on the topic at hand and to also exchange different methods of studying.

This is sometime I would not use often. As it is difficult for some students to grasp the puzzle concept; as it is for the instructor. I like the word search option as it requires more thinking of the terms that have been discussed. However for a power of deduction exercise it is very beneficial for some.How do most teacher feel?

I agree that a group activity is good it allows students to discyss there different views and points of a situation.

Realizing everyone brings their own life experiences into school time is a valuable lesson.

I agree, group activities allows everyone to understand that they may not be the only one having a problem with a particular word,or understanding of a definition to a word.

I agree. During my first few classes, I ask the students about their studying methods. We share and exchange ideas. Someone always walks away with a new way to study and people team up with study partners.

I think group activities are great it helps students to engage with each other. I find that students have the ability to teach some students better than the instructor. They tend to bring it down to laymans terms.

group activity improves activity & participation

I agree amd have seen similar results.

this group activities are important for all theses reasons and also because they learn how to deal with people of different characters,

I have found that it is beneficial to randomly select the groups because if I let the students pick their own groups people can end up feeling left out or some students always work with the same group and don't get to know some of their classmates.

Jessica, it is best to mix your groups and not let friends stay together.

Michele Deck

It seems like I always end up with a very diverse group of students in Introduction to Medical Terminology. When using a group activity, I always try to pair up a fast learner with someone who may be struggling. This allows students to work togehter, develop team work,and learn from each other.

Amanda, this is a wise and successful approach.

Michele Deck

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