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ABG Go Fish

This seems to be a little more sophisticated version of the old tried and true flashcard system. I often suggest to my students to create their own cards, but will try to incorporate cards I create into a learning exercise for the students.

ABG go fish is a flashcard system that could be used in any subject matter to help familiarize the student with the subject matter at hand. Having the students prepare their own cards is a bonus. I will introduce this learning exercise on several subject matters. Thank you.

Katherine, you are welcome. I'm glad you can adapt the ABG go fish format to a number of your topics.

Michele Deck

I have used this activity and it works wonders and the students actually have a lot of fun with it - I assign them a topic and ask them to create their own go fish cards. An Example that we used was the GI system -- and the student used brown construction paper and called it Go Brown -- for the GI system. Students found it amusing, had fun, and LEARNED!

Melissa, thank you for sharing how you have used an involving activity like ABG Go Fish.

Michele Deck

O my gosh! This is the best idea yet! It is adaptable to just about everything! Can't wait to use it!

Loretta, I'm glad to see your energy and excitement about this idea and its adaptability to your classes.

Michele Deck

i agree that the flash cards are a great idea and the students like to be working with the information in a more hands on format. I have used the flash cards for other topics but we are just starting the unit on ABGs so the timing is great!

Michele, I'm glad this is well timed for your classes. I wish you much success with the cards.

Michele Deck

This card game sounds great. I'm definietely going to try it. I found ABG tic-tac-toe game. It's pretty good. Very easy way to learn ABG's. I'm going to try the card game in other med/surg subjects. Maybe even pharm.

Natalie, it is best to pick topics that students need review of for these types of activities.

Michele Deck

I don't use cards or memorization in teaching ABGs. They do need to know normal values of pH, CO2 and HCO3. I give them a blood gas abnormality, say acute respiratory acidosis, and then have them put numbers up on board to match it. They are able to put up any numbers they want, but it has to match the interpretation.

Aprilyn, this is a great way to reinforce what blood gases results are problematic and what is not.

Michele Deck

ABGs are hard to teach. There is the tic-tac-toe, and the elevator verses the teeder todder. All of these are good systems. I am glad that this one is being shared as another alternative.

When you make it fun for students to learn; it seems to always uphold their interest in class and keep good retention. They are always excited and seem to want to learn even more.

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