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adaptive teaching

I am one of those who does not spend all of his remaining day socially interacting parsay.  so I have to force myself to actively presue new tecnoligy and its funtions and uses as well as benifits to the teaching process,,, thank God I have 3 children and one of them an educator

I agree, when you are teaching to a group of students, it can be hard to remeber to add technology to the clasroom. However taking time to do so is very benefcial to the students

As an older educator, I find that as I learn one thing, app or device, by the time I get confortable with using it, something new and improved comes along. This has me questioning as to whether I am behind the times sofar that I will always be playing catch up.  The fact that my students are still learning and progressing in their chosen career path keeps me educating.


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