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you make a good point here, that sometimes this is the personality of the student. I would say that it seems to be a generational characteristic as well.

Ryan Meers, Ph.D.

I agree as well. Many of my Gen Y students seem to think that because they show up for class - regardless of whethet they put in the effort or not - they should pass the class. They feel "they are owed that".

These are very good points you make here. I am constantly reminding students that they may be very good cooks but if they fail to follow directions, forget steps, cannot meet deadlines, and do not communicate, that they will not be able to keep a job.

Adel ,
excellent point! Too often, it seems younger students feel that their "talents" will surpass any negatives & this is simply not true. We need to help them see this earlier.

Ryan Meers, Ph.D.

Good tactic. It also helps at this phase when they are questioning the grading and its purpose to bring in some 'guest speakers' or relevant industry people to discuss standards on the job and hiring practices. Students seem to take this more seriously; even though the instructor IS exactly that expert telling them the same thing, somehow the outside input is taken more seriously. It functions as backup for everything you tell them!

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