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learning preferences

I too have a hard time teaching to the different styles some times I think the learners change the way they like to get the information For example I had a student tell me he had no idea of how we came to a certain conclusion. I went through the same process twice before and the student was successful. this time he bomded my test. I first lectured and explained what I needed for an out come asked question to make sure every one understood. I demostrated the proceedure then the students did the procedure 1 week later the students had to do the same procedure again and was unable to perform the task successfully. All in all the student observed the task once by me three times in his lab group over three days and four days later it was all foreign to the student I need to add one more thing the students had to write down the procedure . SO they listened to lecture wrote down the procedure watched a demo by myself then by their lab parterns and themselves. Needless to say I was dumpfounded. I was positive I covered every base.

Hi Cecil,
Great example of why we need to offer a variety of learning methods to our students. By seeing, hearing and experiencing content in a number of different ways the students can draw from the different methods in ways that meet their learning needs.

I hear you Cecil. In teaching programming classes the text book will give rules for syntax, key terms and the basic coding structures. However, a student needs to comprehend a programming challenge and then work through the possible solutions to create a program that will solve the challenge. This involves abstract thinking skills. Within the first day of the class it is easy to identify which intelligence areas the students fall into. The Logical/Mathematical and Visual/Spatial students will perform well; however, the other students are definitely a teaching challenge. I will group the students into teams so the students get to use collaborative skills. The logical/ Mathematical students will usually volunteer to be the team leaders to keep the teams on task. The Interpersonal skilled students are busy reviewing everyone’s input and usually combine the group’s efforts, but have a difficult time submitting their own original individual work.

It's like when you were a kid and your mom told you not to touch the stove because it's hot. Probably half of us (Me included) had to touch the stove before we learned that red metal meant hot metal. Some people can just accept that mom is right others have to experience the pain before learning.

Hi John,
Been there done that. When I let out a cry, my mother just rolled her eyes and smiled. File that under "I told you so!". Also not sympathy for my owee. But, it as we both know it was a lesson well learned. This experience made us listen and respect what we were learning. This is what our instructional efforts should result in. Sometimes we will be tested by our students but as time goes on their respect for what we are teaching them and their experiences in the classroom/lab will help achieve the results we want.

I'll be more aware now of my delivery methods, and preparation before lecture.

I often repeat samew process in order to make sure students are succesfull.

I completely understand your delima. At the same time, you only have so much time to deliver the information. Maybe there should be learning style assesment tests at the beginning of each course? Nah, that would make it too easy. The Dr.'s advice is really on que and who ever said teaching was easy?

I repaet the same process over and over

Each students is diferent and therefor they have diferent learning needs and we need to reach each and everyone of them with diferents learning methos

I believe that students also could be selective learners. They pick and chooses the one method over the other that they might have also used in the past.

For me implementing different delivery strategies is a way to get everybody involved in the learning process with the assumption that everyone learns differently according to his own experience and style.

I agree it is important to combine students in learning groups in a way that mixes together different types of leaners and different types of intelligence. They learn a great deal from each other and often feel a greater sense of accomplishment when asked to contribute in a way they feel accomplished in.

My experiences as a student and as an instructor have revealed a variation of the auditory learner. This student receives part of what he/she hears during a lecture or audio-visual presentation, but only truly hears, receives, and retains that which the student him/herself speaks aloud during a well directed conversation or during self-imposed reading aloud to oneself the class notes and assignments. I recommend this practice to my students and utilize it regularly myself. I know several public speakers who prepare for their presentations this way.

I have found that many students benefit from teaching the material to others. This might be a variation on what you're saying Charles. I think that when you actually have to formulate what you learned into a complete and understandable English sentence, something in your brain just sort of clicks into place.

Hi Kyley,
This is a good observation. I have found this to be true in my teaching as well. When students teach some segment of the content they really become immersed in the material as well as storing more of it in their working memory. Also, knowing they are going to present helps to increase their motivation level toward the course.

We conduct a learning styles inventory in our College Success class during the first term that students attend our school. Now I realize the importance for students to remain aware of their preferences, and that instructors of other classes should ask the students what their results were. This way we can all benefit from the information that will assist the students in processing information.

When I first began teaching, I gave each student a learning preference "test" or evaluation. I was very interested in creating lectures that were helpful to different learning styles. Because the evaluation wasn't for a grade, VERY few students even returned it. I was disappointed that my interest in their particular learning preferences was stronger than their OWN interest. I would be interested to know other ways to get students in tune with their personal preferences.

Hi Laurie,
I give my students a general information sheet to fill out at the first class meeting. They fill it out right at the beginning of the class while they are getting settled, I am walking around and greeting them. I have had excellent results with them completing the entire form rather quickly. I also walk around the class collecting the sheets from them directly. This puts a bit of pressure on them because they will see that I see they have or have not completed the form. They don't put their names on the sheets but my physical presence at their desk is enough to get them to provide the needed information.
Before I give them the sheets to fill out I tell them the reasons for the needed information and how I am going to use it. This also helps with them completing the form. Just some ideas that may help you to get better responses.

I really think that some students, flip flop,and develop for some unknown reason a type of amnesia. the only solution I have found that seems to be somewhat productive in repeat, repeat and repeat again. keep the lesson or concept in front of the student until they obviousely accept and understand. at times I have different types work together to acheive a concensus.

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