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I think understanding how to make information concrete by attempting to use as many senses as possible could really be effective in reinforcing knowledge.

This is how you help students to get the content storied in their working memories and make available for use when needed. The more connection between content and the real world the more value students associate with their program.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

I like the idea of episodic learning. I'm hoping different ideas will "stick" during my lectures if they can relate them back to something from their past.

The students like this approach as well. They can see both relevance and application with episodic learning and this increases their retention of the content.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

I will try to use more analogies to things the students already have a great understanding of to help them remember lessons better.

I think with my profession not only learning from a book but then seeing a visual or hands on will benefit for all students learning types. So not only will they hear but they will also see the information.

Good strategy to follow because this helps the students to reinforce the content in their minds and results in greater retention for a longer period of time.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

The more senses we can get the students to use in the learning process the better. It is proven that integration of senses increase content retention and skill development so keep up the good work of using these different learning venues.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

I feel that once an instructor knows the basics of learning, they are better equipped to transfer that same information into the minds of students.

I wish you much success as you rearrange your instructional delivery. Have fun and be creative with your approach and I know you will be even more effective in your instruction.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

Knowing how students learn and knowledge is retained will help you garner your instruction toward the students.

After beginning this learning module, I really understand now how our episodic memory can help us retain long-term memory. I have always tried to find a way to link the subject matter being taught into a true life scenario that happened to me in the past. This gives accreditation to the instructor from the students because they know that the instructor has actually experienced what is being taught along with a story that may help them link the subject into their long-term memory. Even though it was my previous experience used in the story and not theirs, it still may help the student retain the information.

I am sure you are going to like the results you get from using this approach. The more connections you can make to their life experiences the greater the retention of the content is going to be.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

Having a better understanding of Episodic learning and the use of experiences by attaching them to learning objectives will help me highlight the objectives and will give an example for the students to help them retain the information.
Being a distance learning (online) instructor, having examples of videos or short articles that highlight the learning objectives are my biggest tool. My students are 99% male and they tend to soak up the visual and audio content that drive the message home. Articles that are short and to the point work well also.

Good strategy to follow because more of the connections you can create for them the better especially since your course is online.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

We teach our students how to be creative when it comes to thinking strategy, for example we have them read Dr. Meinhart Creative thinking and problem solving. After reading we have them reflect on the five lenses that was spoken about and use their brains to come up with a theory on how to solve a problem.


Great way to form a foundation for your students. Then they can expand their knowledge and thinking as they gain experience. In the end they will be able to problem solve and be successful in their career areas.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

As a medical assisting instructor to adult students, I am constantly using my episodic memory to help my students understand the myriad of concepts in both the A&P portion as well as the Clinical portion of their coursework. My experience as a practicing physician assistant helps in my teaching but also helps a variety of students to draw on their own experiences to help them learn.

An example of adjusting my learning strategy with understanding how the brain works would to try to hit on more areas of brain usage. I think career schools typically focus the curriculum on the concrete application. So I might throw in so exercises that are purely for memorization.

Tie such memory work to your field and you have a winner. I do this with my students and we have short reviews over the memorized material in game form and the students really get involved when we play these games. I think you will like the results you get from this activity.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

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