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Stregies for Instruction

Depending on how t6he students react, depends on how the info is transfered to the individuals.

Hi Vincent:
In a sense, just about anything or example can be used as learning resource. It all depends on the creativity of the instructor. You're right that adjustment in strategy may be needed depending on the specific student group. That's where having a whole variety of instructional strategies avaialbale for a given topic can be extremely useful.

Regards, Barry

true i think that we need to pay attention to our class and read the body language.and ajdust the method of delivery. ive noticed that some students dont handle a ppt. one comon thing that the student who dont handle ppt. or lecture is that "I Have ADHD". but some of these students retain hands on teaching better than lecture.

Response to Vincent and Roger, I agree that we need to understand the students and be willing to provide different ways to teach. By understanding their body language as you stated, students will be very willing to let you know if they are not interested in the content. Power points, media format and handouts seem to approach different learning styles which can only aid in the success of the instruction. Sharon

I have to present most information as the information in the handout, NO power Point, then we have hands on work of the product, that includes the handling of the parts and thier history. This is followed up by reassembly and verifying that the product is assembled correctly. This does make some of the lesson easier and covers almost all of the learning styles.

I agree with your ideas but I have had a couple of situations where a part of the class was overwhelmed by too many training aids being applied to the learning. For example , during a carb theory power point showing five six or seven carbs passed out for demo , the same style [mechanical slide] they look different physically and subsequently the students take them as different. Of couse I took the time and back tracked and got the info to them , but it was a clear example that it was a case of too much.

Hi Keith:
Yup, too much (or varied) media can sometimes be more of a hindrance than a help. But, as you've indicated, that's what you're there for - to clarify, explain, illustrate, or emphasize the differences.

Regards, Barry

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