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I enjoyed learning about the 10/20/30 rule, did anyone else find this helpful?

we lecture for 30minutes and then role play for 20 minutes using the information the students just learned. This allows them to apply the knowledge we just went through, get comfortable in the role of the nurse, as well as how to report information to the doctor.

Good sequencing. Immediate application is more likely students will retain information, and also allows on the spot correction if needed.

Barry Westling

I will definitely begin utilizing this! I try not to add too much information to slides, but also do not like for them to have a single point unless I am trying to emphasize its importance. I like the idea of 3-5 points on 10 slides in 20 minutes. I also find 30 font to be useful and very easy to read from any location in the classroom.

It's important to consider our audience. Too much or unclear information does not contribute to understanding the material we are trying to convey. This rule of thumb is a good guideline, and I don't think it has to be rigidly followed. PPT is just the tool, and should not get in the way of the purpose, meaning, or point of the information on a slide.

Barry Westling

This was an awesome resource! I will definitely use this in my practice!

Glad you feel you received something that'll be helpful to you in your daily lessons.

Barry Westling

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