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organization and class preparation.

Having handouts and materials ready is crucial. In a lab environment having all necessary chemicals, instruments, or any other materials will show preparedness. I have these items neatly put away to show students that setting up for the project is part of real world expectations. I feel this reduces the "my way or high way" option because students can set up the work stations which will work best for them to be more efficient while still teaching responsibility and accountability if the students do not have everything they need. Is this a logical way of doing things?

Sounds good. In many of my labs I have the students gather all the supplies needed as this is most likely the same thing they'll have to do when they work. They won't have an "assistant" standing by to get things for them. Also, the same goes for clean up, and storage. I think this teaches responsibility and serves as part of the instructional process.

Barry Westling

Having a lesson plan for the week posted for all students to see is my way of being organized and prepared. It's helpful for me as well as for them.

Adelina ,
Sounds like a good plan. Knowing the instructor's expectations contributes to student's readiness, and can help calm the feeling of angst.

Barry Westling

A lesson plan is very important as a guideline

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