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makeup exams

it was terrific insight hearing that we should give the student another version of the exam for a makeup

I try to think "what's in the best interest of the student", and if we want to measure learning accurately, this is one method to accomplish that.

Barry Westling

I know it is time-consuming, but as I have repeated certain courses, I have not only developed different versions of make-up exams, but also have several versions for the original exam...this deters cheating.
I mark each exam A-D...and usually all that it entails is re-sequencing the order of the questions. Yes, it's more work, but I inform my students in advance and it prevents my having to be over their shoulders constantly during a test.

My mentor of many years ago once commented that trust and integrity between the instructor and his students is essential, but added, avoid providing opportunities that would tempt students. My point is that I trust my students, but I'm not going to willingly give them an opportunity to do something they'd regret if given the chance.

Barry Westling

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