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Deducting points

I found that deducting 10 points from an exam is useful when there is a student with attendance issues.

This seems fair, especially if this deduction is discussed on the first day of class. Students tend to complain when they feel an instructor is acting arbitrary. Prior discussion clears up any such issues.

Barry Westling

I too found that deducting points when a student has attendance issues to be very useful. I also deduct points for missed or late homework. This doesn't necessarily mean that the students show up on time but at least I know that I am being fair to the other students who show up on time.

Jamie Hoffman

I believe our mission should be to facilitate education, not penalize students. That said, part of the instructional process involves following directions and adhering to class policies, as these prepare students for the rules and directions they will experience in the workplace. So, as long as the rules for class assignments (and the consequences for missed or late submissions) are discussed beforehand, I think serious students who value their grade will appreciate the idea of point deduction. They may not like it but students really want order and fairness and deductions fit that description nicely.

Barry Westling

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