Amelia Robinson

Amelia Robinson

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Motivation relies on both intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Extrinsic factors usually involve receiving an award or gain of some kind, such as awards, premiums, or notariety. Intrinsic motivation is more internal and organic, and involves doing something for the love of it. Intrinsic otivation is stronger, longer-lasting, and more effective. Extrinsic motivation can be used to provide a bridge to intrinsic motivation. Gamification is a great method of providing both intrinsic motivation (because it is fun to play) and extrinsic motivation (in the form of high scores, trophies or stars, etc.).

Security is crucial to student motivation, in that students must believe they are capable of meeting the requirements of the course and are able to perofrm the tasks assigned. Security can be enhanced through the use of a sullabus, stating the learning objectives, laying out the assignments, and providing grading rubrics to make clear the criteria on which they will be graded. Autonomy is the other half of student motivation. Adult learners must feel they have control over their learning, and this can be accomplished through using more discussion than lecture formats, giving students a selection of assignments sor some… >>>

Motivation depends on both security, or students' confidence in their ability to perform the tasks in class, and autonomy, or the abilty to make choices about how they learn. Each of these factors can be influenced before and during instruction, and throughout evaluation.Security can be enhanced by learning about students and their existing knowledge, establishing a non-threatengin environment, being well-prepared, and responding to questions positively and encouragingly. During instruction, you must ensure directions are clear and actively participate. Autonomy can be provided by allowing classes (not individuals) to decide the order of certain activities, or giving them options in assignments.… >>>

As technoloby and resources, such as OER, become more widely available, the flipped classroom will become easier to implement and manage. While very popular today, whether it remains so into the future, and whether institutions will provide the needed space and resources for labs and collaborative work and whether student motivation remains high. Even if it does not become the standard of the future, it certainly will provide another very effective teaching strategy and flexibility for both students and instructors.

Components of the flipped classroom include technology, but also the instructor's ability to introduce the content so the students understand what they are looking for, or taking away from it, the ability to monitor that students are actually viewing the resources outside of class, and the ability to assess what they are learning. Instructors muswt also understand how they will run the classroom portion and plan activities that will actually take the knowledge and comprehension learning of the pre-recorded lectures or other resources to the higher application level.


The advantages of a flipped classroom include increased student engagement, and the ability to work at their own pace on their own schedule to some extent. Students can also review and remediate with 24x7 resources, and online resources may be more accessible to students with disabilities. Finally, the flipped classroom leaves class time available for application-level learning. Barriers to the flipped classroom include the technology savvy of the instructor, the increased preparaton time, and decreased student motivation, as they may percieve that the instructor is taking the easy way out of teaching the class.

A flipped classroom is a blended learning strategy where students research the materials usng online resources, and then do the "homework" in class, through dicussion and activities. The flipped classroom increases student interaction and allows the instructor to become more of the guide on the side to facilitate active learning. The flipped classroom is typically more engaging for students, but you should engage with all stakeholders and seasoned flipped classrrom instructors prior to implementation, checking also on the success and other metrics for existing flipped classes.

Active learning gives students more control over the learning process, but that does not mean less classroom management is needed. In fact, more monitoring may be needed to ensure students are on task, understanding the objectives and activities correctly, and that problem students do not cause trouble for the group. Several kinds of activities can be used, including group discussions or presentations, or role-playing, and some activities are more high risk than others. Active learning may present barriers, including general, personal, professional, and (resource? logistical?). All of these can be overcome by keeping activities short and simple at the outset,… >>>

When planning active learning, you must considerwho will perform the activity, what actions they will take in what activity, what resources are available to them, how much time they will have to do it, and the specifications of the final product. Active learning uses both analytical and critical thinking.

Learners may come with various levels of skill in readung, writing, or math, or English may be a second language for them. To overcome this, try to present information in different ways, monitor for understanding, and modify stratgies to find one that works for all students.

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