Secondary CTE has long been a viable pathway for developing the skills of students with disabilities and preparing them for the future. Changes in Perkins V and an increasing emphasis on college and career readiness for all students are bringing the needs of student with disabilities to the forefront of the CTE conversation. Share best practices, ideas, thoughts, reflections, and resources to help us better serve students with disabilities.
Ask a question from your peers to help you in your professional work. Seek different points of view on a topic that interests you. Start a thought-provoking conversation about a hot, current topic. Encourage your peers to join you in the discussion, and feel free to facilitate the discussion. As a community of educators, all members of the Career Ed Lounge are empowered to act as a discussion facilitator to help us all learn from each other.
Overall the course had a good description of CTE practices but tended to have too little discussion on any practical application for incorporating Students with Disabilities into CTE. A review of the Perkins V law as well as ESSA was helpful in understanding the requirements and accountability aspects of CTE programs in how they relate to the necessity of incorporating students with disabilities into the programs as a while. The learning program presented here could be useful as an introductory framework for administrators needing to understand the inclusion of students with disabilities into CTE programs for a region; however, I personally did not see a lot of resources or practical tips provided that would be a benefit to participants engaging in such an endeavor. It is definitely critical that students with disabilities be given the opportunities to be involved in these programs. I believe the studies in specific regions that assess the need for CTE programs in an area will vary in their assessment, but ultimately come to the conclusion that special needs individuals are a vital part of the economy that are both underrepresented in both local economies as well as technical preparation programs.
What systems are in place to support CTE in rural Alaska?
Are there examples of Micro-credentialing that have been proven effective in TN?
I found this lesson very informative. Great Ideas on classroom management skills, and how to apply to my students.
What were your biggest takeaways?
What is the name of the law that mandates students to have transition services included in their IEP that specifies postsecondary goals appropriate to education and training, employment, and if appropriate, independent living skills?
Research-based best practices are essential in today continuing evolving education society. Examples including project-based learning and writing across the ciricculum.
Student relationship and management lies at te heart of student acheivment.
When we are working with students who have disabilities there are many pieces involved to ensure students are able to receive what is necessary in order for them to become successful adults. Examples such as:
IEP Checklist
Invitation for Parents
Invitaiton for Agencies
Student Notes.
Students who have disabilties are all unique and require many different accomodations to ensure they can be successful. One of the first things I do when working with students is to develop a sound relationship. Students need a trusting relationship in order for them to trust what you are teaching them is beneficial to them. I then look at the needs of the students and try to develop my lessons around those needs. I often have mulitiple websites that I utilize for students such as Microtype for some, others may utilize, spanish speaking students will be utlizing duolingo and GCFGlobal. Each student is different where some will require more attention and other require very minimal attention. To ensure we are showing equity to all students all resources need to be made available and this would include push in and possibily pull out to provide one - to - one.
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