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Using subject matter experts (SMEs) to ensure relevant and up to date content is taught enhances the employment options and professional success for program graduate from institutions of higher learning. 

Explaining how the policies keep everything compliant with accreditation is beneficial for faculty to know what's a crucial focus.

It was quite good and refreshing to read through the section about the "why" and "how" of the five-year plan.

Although I witnessed similar activities, it is great to put words on the steps to cover during the process.

Surely, it was beneficial 

No matter how small your company is Onboarding and Orientation is huge part of your new employee's success. 

Honesty is key when hiring. Informing the candidate of the realistic expectations of the job is the best strategy. Many times, you will see unhappy employees when they are told what they want to hear rather than what is expected. 

Job(s) advertisements should enhance the employers branding online when using different venues. You also want to ensure that you are optimizing the company's site if there is a section for employment and engaging content. 

Job analysis is important because it will help you in the development of your job description as well as fill the gaps that are needed, to better your team. Observations and interviews are highly important to ensure that the individual does align with your company and the staff, as well to see if there is any training needs prior to hiring.

Hiring the right facilitator/Instructor is important to the success of any educational institution.

I was fascinated to learn that some institutions prefer adjunct faculty to full-time professors specifically because they have continuing industry experience I can see the advantage for certain subjects. However, my assumption is this isn't as true for the sciences where most full-time professors are active participants in industry, both publicly and privately funded.

a robust training program is vital for faculty to be successful.

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