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As an instructor, understanding the students and adapting to their individual learning styles is essential.

I'm happy to have this info. because it has helped me to understand new way on building a better way for my students learn the ideas from the assignment. 

Learning preferences and learning challenges are very different. 

One must have language to have literacy. 

Each student is different regardless of cultural differences or backgrounds. Using language that is effective for all students 

I learned that not all people are created equally. Everyone has different cultures, personalities and learning styles. As a instructor, it is important to know who you are teaching and learn to meet the student where they are in their learning styles. 

Reasonable accommodations are a must in the classroom. Roosevelt said it best. "We know that equality of individual ability has never existed and never will, but we do insist that equality of opportunity still must be sought"! This is going on my wall.

there are many types of mental disorders in our classrooms today. If we are trained in some of the symptoms of these disorders, we may be able to recognize and accommodate these students more effectively. I will get to know my students better and be patient with all my students. Every day is a new day. 

learning disabilities come in all shapes and sizes. I learned of several that I didn't realize existed. These disabilities don't mean a student can't learn but rather they learn a little differently. I will get to know my students and figure out how each one learns best.

Disabilities come in many forms and so do accommodations. Accommodations will always be made in my classroom to help my Disabled students be their best.

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