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So much could be included here. I appreciate the definitions of "identity" and being reminded that it is a process with bumps along the road. I also appreciate the distinction between intercultural and cross-cultural teaching.

After taking this course, I am well versed with the the different learning styles of each generation as how different available technology was for each generation. As a instructor, one should keep that in mind while teaching a multigenerational class of students. It was interesting to learn all the varied characteristics of all the different generations and how it could affect their learning styles.

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Comment on Julie Williams's post

I agree with you, Julie. Generalizations based on gender can deter a student from reaching their full potential.

I read the "Mental Health Toolkit" by Momentous Institute. I have dealt with trauma on multiple fronts, including personally and helping others through traumatic experiences. One concept I had never considered is that trauma can be an event or experience that would not be traumatic for another. Considerations were the support group, situation in life, and a person experiencing one difficult event after another. The longer I teach, the more I realize that so much can be happening in the lives behind the smiling faces of students in class. The article discussed how this trauma effects the path of a… >>>

Treat each individual student with respect regardless of race, ethnicity and gender.

Students with disabilities should be given the same opportunities as those without 

Physical and mental disabilities can defer learning

Language and learning are interdependent

Everyone has a voice and wants to be heard

Diversity and race are always significant to embrace. It allows individuals to keep an open mind

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