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How often to update?


 I think the information regarding placements, graduating rates, time to complete program and local salaries is all awesome measures to look at while developing information for not only potential but current students/graduates. My question is, how often do we update these stats? Every Year, Every Six months? These numbers can fluctuate constantly, and I was just wondering when would be a good timeline.



Hi Katie,

For accredited schools that must report placement and graduation rates, the frequency is based on the particular accrediting body which tends to be annual with the cohort defined by the particular accrediting body.  If a school is not accredited and isn't required to report, as you indicate, it is still a best practice to collect the type of information you mention.  While numbers fluctuate, data collection is a continuous process so the cycle of collection never really stops.  

With that in mind, I presume you are asking when the information that is provided to the public should be updated.  If your institution has reporting requirements, I'd suggest following those reporting timelines to update information.  It may still be a good practice to update statistics annually even if your school doesn't have reporting requirements.  Beyond having current information, it establishes a history of data that you can review to identify patterns over the years which may prove very helpful. 

There are many protocols depending on what type of accediation that your school has.  I feel as a whole reviewing this at least yearly would be best practice.  This would help to maintain the standards in your area and also give the director or DOE the exact reportable information.

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