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9 Questions to Ask About a Goal - Part 1 of 3


This blog addresses the first three questions (stay tuned for additional blogs that will continue our topic)! 1. Is the goal SMART? Most of us may already know what a SMART goal is, but the acronym still proves to be important to goal realization. First the goal must be Specific. A general or broad goal is harder to evaluate, more difficult to implement and leads to ineffective results because there are no specific parameters to define what the goal is suppose to accomplish. Second, the goal must be Measurable; this characteristic goes hand-in-hand with Specific. A goal that is Measurable is one that can be more easily assessed. Third, the goal must be Attainable and Realistic. These qualities also go hand-in-hand. It is OK to set challenging goals and to raise the bar, however a goal that is flat out unrealistic can cause employee frustration and create a de-motivating experience. Fourth, the goal must be timely. Even the most on target goal is ineffective if the timing is not right. 2. Does the goal align with the mission and core values of the organization? Employees' goals must blend with the organization's culture to positively affect both individual and organizational performance. 3. Does the goal address both opportunities and challenges? An effective goal considers the opportunities that can be seized through goal accomplishment and, to bank on the goal's "Realistic" quality, must address the potential risks and challenges associated with outcomes. My next blog will address three more questions to ask about a goal!

Number 3 is something I struggle with and I am trying to fix! Thanks for this information!

Hi All

You must also be cognizant wether the goal is still worthy of attaining given the turbulent business environment.

Dr. Ed Goold

Thanks Dr. Goold for your observation, very true! I have seen corporate managers that escalate to the point of not releasing or changing a goal because they are so committed to it, even though the circumstances have changed. It is crucial not only to re-check the validity and attainability of a goal amidst the changing environment, but to also have a contingency action plan in place. 

Hi Latrisha! Thanks for reading the blog! #3 is difficult for me too because the challenges and opportunities change with the environment. You almost have to do a consistent SWOT to ensure that the goal has the best opportunity for attainability and success. Best wishes for your successful goal-setting.

-Jay Hollowell

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