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Inclusive Strategies in CTE Courses Improve Student Engagement

Subtle changes are underway in career and technical education courses across the country that are significantly impacting how students learn and engage in training for trade skills, CTE experts said.

Growing efforts to include lessons and activities with more relevance, choice and accessibility are helping students who have historically faced barriers in CTE courses, including students of color, students from low-income families, students with disabilities and girls.

The focus on accommodations is also encouraging educators and their CTE business partners to be more inclusive of all types of learners. The CTE programs are using a universal design for learning framework… >>>

What Could 2022 Hold for Career & Technical Education?

As we continue drudging towards the post-pandemic era, CTE programs across the U.S. continue to capture attention in various fields. For example, labor statistics hint that career and technical education programs could play a substantial role in how our nation recovers from the pandemic. This notion is especially true for Healthcare CTE programs, where highly trained and certified staff are still in demand.

All the advanced skills, new funding sources, and approaches the industry has introduced over the past 18 months are helping to drive an extension of program services. And as a result, the thousands of employers continuing to… >>>