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I better understand how many kinds of learning disabilities may present themselves in our students. It will be helpful to formulate a plan to help specific types of disabilities.

Students have varying degrees of deficits related to these learning disabilities.

Students can learn how to advocate for themselves to receive modifications that will help them learn in the classroom.

Students with ADHD have many different "ticks" that can be difficult to pay attention for extensive periods of time. It is often helpful for these students to have hands on activities, breaks, and be paired with someone who can help fill in the missed details.

Learning disabilities mean that while a student can have the potential for high achievement, their disability may impact them from processing and accessing new information without accommodations.  Accommodations can be different for an individual based on their disability. 

I have learned a lot about differing learning disabilities and ways that we can help students in this lecture.  For example for ADHA , students may need directions in writing and the student should be seated near the professor.

This module was good to refresh my mind with the information I learned in school about disabilities. It is important that we know how to cater to the needs of each individual so they can learn to the best of their ability

I learned that all students do not learn alike. I learned that special accommodations should be granted to students with learning disabilities. 

Students learn in different ways and it is important to explore all the ways that students can learn 

In this section, I learned of the different accommodations that can be made for people with disabilities. Such as, breaking tasks into smaller steps or giving directions verbally and in writing. With this information, I plan to implement some of the examples given for students I have with disabilities. 

As a nurse of 16.5 years who teaches health science, I have never heard of some of these disabilities, and this was very eye-opening for me.

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