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Compliance Elective Compliance Course

Very informative.

Neumont College

I hear a variety of great conversations with students in the Admissions office and when I call directly to students I am given a specific script.

Always tell the truth!

Students deserve honest feedback, sensitivity and fairness. 

Audit Reflections

Having previous experience in the field of accounting and finance, a lot of the principles flow through. The biggest part and yet such a small piece is the implementation component. The best laid plans become a true waste of time if nothing is actually put to use.


Course was appropriate to complete online, which I could have had better options during the short examples, most did not let me choose the right answer 


I am sure that I will be careful regarding my speech, responses and written notes.


I learned from the course to always reffer to the companies policy and procedures .Also , to always be forthcoming and acuate in all aspects of my job.


Course was very informative .

Understanding more about PTSD

I Really injoyed this subject learned and know i help my students with PTSD thank you

Allowing students to use their best qualities

Allowing students to be their best self and working your lesson plan to incoporate each student qualities and giving them an opportunity to feel a part of their education and helping other students.  This encourage them to participate in class activities and look forward to coming to class.

When the students buy in to their education goals they feel good about themselves.

Protected Disability

Functionality is crucial element in determining equality of access to higher education for those with disabilities.

CEE continue education

I have been elighten by the information learned about disablities and enhacing access to higher education.


Knowing the federal regulations helps in understanding the process to enroll new students.


The instructions and objectives are very concise and complete in order for an instructor to be successful.

Dr. Sylvia Hayashi

FERPA ongoing

I will continue to reflect and use what I have learned in this course throughout my daily work.  Policies and regulations are to help facilitate the work we do rather than hinder.  A lot of times, we tend to do nothing because we don't understand.  Getting more training and understand what is covered by FERPA and what is not will help everyone do their work more efficiently and appropriately. 

learning Games

Does anyone know any good web sites for Learning stradegies


Informative but more applicable to Investors

Working with integrity

One of the best things that compliance teaches us is the fact that we are accountable. This course certainly highlights the vast network that is like a running wheel- in constant motion. Every department- be it admissions, education, career services, even corporate- all have a logical cicuitry that is intricate. It's important to know the facts and logic behing these modals. This way proving that it is not just a business but one that has value and strength of character.

Information Topic: Compliance Is Important

This course was very imformative. Compliance is for everyone working in any insituation. Always doing the right thing especially, when no one is watching. An insitutation can lose federal funding on the negliance of not following policy and procedure under the federal law.


HE115 Course

I really enjoyed watchng this video. I learned the difference between Profit and Non Profit. All the infomation given to us was very useful for the upcoming future I am preparing.