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Think of blogs as self-published mini articles. Share your experiences and challenges. Share your successful and failed strategies. Share your proven techniques and best practices. And don’t forget to solicit comments from your peers so we can all learn from the collective knowledge and expertise of our thriving community.


After completing 3 course, I will contune until I receive CHEP certification.


Great applicable information! I learned that testing is to show students how much they know and not how much they don't know.

Begin class

Starting class with an exciting comment or quote. I plan to start my next class with a joke. That wil help relax students and lighten up the atomsphere.

ED101 course

This course has refreshed my memory on the labors we take in setting up learning environments. It has encouraged me to look for new ways to inspire my students.

Instructional delivery

Thank you this course was very helpful.


I will give encouragement and support to my students. My lectures will be in different learning styles.

What Have you done to enhance online discussions for students?

I have been teaching these classes about 4 years. I learn something new each time I teach. I appreciate having something freah to enhance my teaching/facilutating methods. Especially for the discussion questions what methods are you using to keep your responses fresh each time you answer your students?

Adult Learners

Working with adult learners can sometimes be very challenging. Understanding a need to limit the lecture to less 15-18 minutes can be crucial to maximizing the learning that occurs in the classroom. This allows the instructor to take the opportunity to be able to use different types of learning strategies to instruct the different types of learners in the classroom.

Active Learning

While I have yet to prepare an action plan I will plan to implement active-learning strategies into my upcoming classes. I agree that lectures can lose students and I often get bored myself if I do not interject with guided activities. I am a little nervous about success but will review plans with peers prior to implamenting with students. 

Preparing Veterans Moving Forward


I was very impressed with the number of resources available to veterans, and I will make sure to inform my students/grads with these during our interactions.

As for preparing veterans for the job search, I will focus first on what they would bring to a position/company and then identify the aspects that are relatable to their upcoming job search.  By implementing the steps outlined in the training, I feel as though they will have increasingly better outcomes moving forward!

Action Plan Plan

While I have yet to write an action plan for next term this training (ED101-Effective Teaching Strategies) has provided great insight into both student-centered instructional styles but also learning style considerations. Some of the concepts providid in the material offered new insight in key areas of introductions, class management from first impression and specific activities that will help me develop the level of learning and integration that my students expect.

ED 124 comment from a fellow instructor

I intend on incorporating some of the flipped classroom techniques into my classroom. I have noticed that the student of today seems to do much better with interactive learning. I would love to spend more time facilitating the mastery of the content over trying to manage the classroom for long grueling lectures in a limited amount of time

Problem: Student controling the class with questions

Possible fix:

If the student continues to ask questions, interrupting the Flow of the class, and distraction / frustrating other students simply make the students question an assignment for the student.  “Good question. Please research that and turn your findings in to me by Friday” Or, “Good question. Please research that and report your findings to the class by Friday”



The course validated some of what I've already learned, and introduced me to some new ways of creating assessments and exams. Skills assessment was an area that might have received more attention as much of what I do requires hands-on skills assessments.

closed and open questions

I Believe open questions will invlove students more into the topic and make class room more excited to stuennts. it will make thnk more in depth. recall more data and more. so as intructor its better to use open questions.

Awesome Course

This course is unlike any other course that I have taken. It provided me with additional skills that I will use in the classroom. I would recommend the course to every instructor. 

Effectiveness of Online Teaching

This course is very helpful since we already started the courses online in the Ipad. The information required is very simple to understand.

Using Questioning More Effectively in My Classroom

After following the methods of questioning and its uses I feel I need to revamp my questioning procedures.  I now know it is a best practice for any level educatior.

I will be reveiwing my lesson plans and rethinking a redoing my questioning procedures.  As I may be teaching some newly developed subjects on working on the new lesson plans I will be incorporating using more effective questioning.


Lecturing for more than 20 minutes at a time!

It is very interesting to find out that since I have been teaching for awhile to know that lecturing for more than 20 minutes at one time is considered not a really good teaching style.  I now understand that taking needed breaks by doing something else other than continual lecturing is something that I really have to work on.

Classroom Questioning

Although I do not class room teach very often, I find that open questions allow you to get to know your students better and allows them to be more comfortable with the teacher.