Laura Cerame

Laura Cerame

About me


Having taken a previous course on Flipping The Classroom, the complementary course pulls together the concept. Ideas for PBL, IBL, and JiTT allow me the flexibility to look at my current courses to determine which method (or combination of methods) works best for each course.

I will spend some time looking over classes that are appropriate for the "flipped" classroom. As the course suggests, I would like to slowly implement the changes and complete a post-course review of what worked and what did not work.

As I am a "new" instructor, I found this module extremely helpful. I have a better understanding of how to use questioning in the classroom. I found the Harvard video regarding "The Three Characteristics of Questions" particularly useful. Moving forward, I will utilize more of these techniques in the classroom.
Discussion Comment

ED105 was extremely informative. I have alreay incorporated some of the material learned. I found the section of Delivery Methods most helpful.

As a "new" career college instructor, I found this course to be very helpful. There are many tools and topics that can be applied to classroom teaching. The most interesting sections (for me) were Student Management and Why Instructor Mistakes Occur.


ED105 was extremely informative. I have alreay incorporated some of the material learned. I found the section of Delivery Methods most helpful.

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