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Think of blogs as self-published mini articles. Share your experiences and challenges. Share your successful and failed strategies. Share your proven techniques and best practices. And don’t forget to solicit comments from your peers so we can all learn from the collective knowledge and expertise of our thriving community.

Flipped Classroom

This was just in time since we have been discussing this in school as one of the ways to get the students to be more engaged , more participative and increase their learning in the subject matter. Quite difficult, it wont be easy as we have different levels of student of course different learning cureves and then there is US! How are we gonna do it, how equipt are we, Am I???


I will use this in my classroom settting

F U N people !!!!!!!!!!!

I keep my students engauged by keeping it fun. Having a good balance of delevery of content and some fun activitys that are relavent. It helps the student achive there goals and keeps the thurst for knowledge going. Lets inspire students. Not bore them to death.


I never understood that moving around the room helps to motivate the students.  I tend to walk back and forth across the front, but not up and down the aisle.  Will try this and see how this works.

Teaching to Learning styles

I have enjoyed this module. It helped me to understand different approaches to teach my students. Thank you...........


Fantastic course! You should require everyone to take this course. It was not boring and drawn out. It was quite entertaining and informative!

You never stop teaching

I  have found that the information that I learned in the lesson is a valuable benifit in my position as Education Manager also. I use the best practices and lessons to relate to my instructors and to assist them in their understanding of students and helping them become better instructors.

Great reminders

I found this course offered a great refresher and a reminder to approach the course from the students perspective.  


This course really adds a lot, and gave me a lot of ideas to implement in my class.

some of the ideas I want to share, is that in my class when there is a lab involved after they finish the lab, I always ask them to modify the circuit to do a different thing, and I found that challenge make them more involved, and make them to view things from a different angle

Library Orientations

How can I make databases more interesting?  By giving the students a chance to use what they are learning.  For the classes I am lucky enough to teach that have computers for every student, they are walking through the steps with me as I go.  I ask them for topic suggestions for our searching, and try to get them to interact in other ways.  After finishing ED111, I realize that there are still other ways that I can get the students to be more active.  I just have to come way out of my comfort zone to make this happen.… >>>

Student questions

Much of my class is run through flipping the classroom and having the students pose questions to each other.  Peer-peer interaction makes the course more engaging and takes away from the constant of the professor's voice.

Learning Styles

I find my students learn most successfully through a combination of all learning styles.  Especially in the science field, tangibility is most practical.

Active Learning

I found this assignment very helpful and I plan on implementing more active learning strategies in my classroom. Already, before I do a lecture I do various brain teasers or games to stimulate the students to remember concepts that they have read and determine based on the course objectives which concepts from the readings are most important for their knowledge. I enjoyed this activity and will use the helpful items that it included to assist my classroom activities. I am developing an action plan right now. 

First test

Good course and I learned more than I thought.

Classroom Lectures

One of the main strategies that I learned when I was in college the "first" time around. I found that I could keep the audience excited by giving "real-life" examples. I also found that when I moved this helped to keep the audience's attention.

Great Insight

I will not take what I learned from this course and augment what I already do in the classroom. I didn't know about the low and high risk activities. Now that I can identify those, I will be more effective.

Active learning effectiveness

Active learning can be really effective, however it should be tailored to fit the students' style. It demands experience, patience, willingness to discover and invent and it demands to love people. 

Flipping the Classroom

Great concept in theory. 

Active learning - It adds a plus to my 2 cents of teaching experience

I really liked the notion of active learning. Best of all, in the 5 hour classes of my school, it helps the teacher save and spend energy effectively, and more important than that does not overburn the students in 5 hours of the class. It lets them enjoy learning, actively. I will use this methos for sure.

flipped classroom

Occassionally we have challenges to the classes here. When running two classes on the same session one class is forced into the classroom while the other is in the lab and that can be challenging for when students are using a hands on type of environment are then restricted to discussions this allows the student to become disconnected and left with a lack of motivation to work on their labs when they're finally allowed into the lab environment.  Allowing students another outlet as in going outside to perform a task weather permitting.