Donna Catapano

Donna Catapano

About me


I always say that one of the best attributes that a teacher can have it recongnizing when they don't know something or not capable of something. Same can be said for students.  I agree that recognizing what the learning disabilites are helps the students overcome them and excel. Our school has several students with IEPs.  Their performance is better when they can utilize special accomodations.

Excellent points Teresa.  I never sit down when I lecture, I am constantly moving.  Also, my students love to hear real-life examples. It makes the teacher more relatable.

Much of my class is run through flipping the classroom and having the students pose questions to each other.  Peer-peer interaction makes the course more engaging and takes away from the constant of the professor's voice.

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My worst fear that many students may not get along well with each other which would hinder the learning process.

I find my students learn most successfully through a combination of all learning styles.  Especially in the science field, tangibility is most practical.


You are certainly not alone! I feel like this every time I have a new Cohort of college students.  I am truly shocked with how poor the writing skills are.  I keep saying, I am a science teacher, not an English teacher, and at times, I find myself teaching more grammar and spelling than I do actual scientific information. We have a new policy in place that students cannot hand in work to their professors unless they have had their information looked over at least once from our school writing lab.  Granted they are getting help with their grammar… >>>

I too found some of the information to be a bit confusing regarding people skills and workplace behaviors. I am constantly adapting to change in my work environment and it can be extremely frustrating due to the high employee turnover rate.  This course reminded me that I need to stay positive with both my coworkers and my students.

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I learned a lot from this course about soft skills. I was unaware of how many there were. I thought simply talking to others in a way that made them feel comfortable, along with conflict resolution were really the only soft skills there were. I didn't realize the Drug Free and Dependability were in this category.  This was very helpful.

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