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In order to help prevent audit findings our Admissions Office has a double check by the DOA for accuracy of files before they are submitted to our registrar for input.


Has this practice been in place long enough for your institution to see the benefit of the process? It is important that all departments verify that all information is accurate and no conflicting information exist between documents. A student may forget about working while completing one document and remember when completing another one so it is critical to check all documents.

Thanks, Chyrl

As an independent auditor, I am pleased to hear that your institution reviews its admissions files - that is an important function, above all for ensuring students are admitted properly, but also because clean, accurate files - both admissions and financial aid - assist an auditor in quickly yet thoroughly reviewing student files, as well as create a good impression for the auditor or program review specialist - Congratulations!

Linda Cooley
Almich & Associates

Hi donnie, I am happy to hear that your DOA checks for accuracy of files before submitting to the records department. This is a great way to avoid compliance issues.


Does your campus do anything to track the accuracy of files prior to annual audits or reviews?

It is important for all areas within the campus to maintain control and visibility in the overall process of the student. Several campuses that I work with will do mini-reviews to ensure compliance for audit testing.

Thanks for your input.



What was your latest audit score? I am glad to see you are reviewing all of the files. What do you do if the file is rejected? Do you discuss this with the Admissions Team, or just the individual team member?

The Registrars office checks all files and paperwork to ensure we are in compliance.


The Registar Office participating in the evaluation students' files is very important; however, I would encourage the FA team to take an active role in reviewing their FA compliance requirements. It is important that each department participates insuring compliance with all regulatory requirements.

Sincerely, Chyrl

That's a great process. We too have implemented a second check system on our FA files as well. Prior to a student leaving the building, another FA rep will review the file for accuracy, ensuring all of the necessary documents have been completed correctly.

Our registrar's also review the Admissions files to ensure that the enrollment information does not have conflicting information. Our DOA reviews a sample of the new student population monthly as well.

Interdepartmental checks and balances are essential within a college administration. There absolutely are errors that can be made on certain forms and documents that are easily recognizable by the Director of Financial Aid but might be missed by a member of the Admissions team. By ensuring that multiple individuals are auditing each others work, errors can be reduced and findings can be eliminated.


Your comments are right on point. Whenever another department collects information it is critical to ensure that all departments are made aware of the information and potential impact.

Sincerely, Chyrl

Chyrl Ayers

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