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financial aid office coordination

we need to do a better job of coordinating between the campuses


Coordination and communication are important tools within a campus and within a multi-campus organization. I have found that good clear and open communication and coordination will make the students' experiences better an more meaningful. It is difficult to maintain the open lines; however, if you are aware of the need that is 1/2 the battle.

Sincerely, Chyrl

We have monthly conference calls which includes all the FA officers from all the different campuses along with the FA director and owner. It helps us be on the same page on issues and gives us the chance to voice our opinions and ideas. Once a month our FA director visits our campus and works with each one of us on a one to one basis for an entire week as well.


The efforts described above are an excellent method to ensure that the organization is in sync with the expectations of all. Our organization utilizes a similar method. We do weekly or bi-monthly with are college partners to ensure we are in sync in the administration of financial aid and regulatory requirements. It builds a team approach and gives everyone a voice in improvements.


Chyrl Ayers

Coordination and communication is key in any organization professional and social. Many mistakes, frustration and errors can be attributed to the lack of communication.

Our organization is evolving with campuses in multiple states. This presents unique opportunities for coordination across campuses and with our central University administrative offices. Experienced leadership and communication are two keys to our success.


I think your comment related to the need for experienced leadership and communication is accurate when you are handling multi-state locations. The practice of one state may be different and you need leadership to communicate these nuances to ensure compliance in all areas. Communicating is key whether it is written or verbal since all members must be working toward the success of each students' educational process.

Sincerely, Chyrl
Chyrl Ayers

I work in a multi-campus environment. We actually have a centralized Financial Aid department and communication is vital. We work closely with thess individuals daily to ensure that all of our students are packaged and being well serviced. There does seem to be some friction between these groups - campus and centralized because each wants to be in charge. The campus has the student in front of them and clearly has the upper hand but no power to do any real processing. It is very frustrating for the students because they are not sure where to go for assistance and then many times get different responses to issues depending on who they speak to. I would like suggestions to deal with the frustrations. Our FA department on campus is competent to do FA but can only review and advise on things. Students do not like dealing with people on the phone when there are people here on campus. Suggestions for this problem would be greatly appreciated.


Your comments are not uncommon when dealing with a student facing group backed up to a centralized processing division. Unfortunately, it is usually the student that gets caught in the middle and their level of service may suffer. I would recommend clearly defined workflows (possible swim lanes) that will enable each contributor to understand his or her role in the process at the campus and centralized levels and include the student. This would enable all to understand where and when their process touches the student. Also, communication is critical - maybe a liaison between the two areas to strengthen process, procedures and communication.

Sincerely, Chyrl

Chyrl Ayers

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