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Ed 108

The information within ED 107 is similar to information being taught in our career development course and in my Masters of Education in Adult Education and Training degree. It is valuable information to be stored in my memory bank. Thanks for the opportunity to take this course. As a relatively new employee, I am eager to transfer my learning to the classroom.

I will be using the strategies learned in ED 108 as I prepare for my next didactic class next month in Respiratory Nursing.  I have always remembered a mnemonic that I was taught in my associate degree nursing program of how to remember the 12 cranial nerves " On Old Olympus's Towering Top, A Finn And German Viewed A Hop"-Olfactory, Optic, Oculomotor, Trochlear, Trigeminal, Abducens, Facial, Acoustic, Glossopharyngeal, Vagal, Accessory (Spinal), Hypoglossal.  Now all I have to do is come up with something clever to remember the differences between respiratory and metabolic acidosis/alkalosis.

I found ED 108 very helpful in reviewing learning strategies.  As I said in the Forum, Semantic Learning is used a lot in the health/dental learning environment.  We are always coming up with catchy phrases to recall long lists of medical terms.  Some I still remember from when I was in school 30 years ago.

I enjoyed ED108 because it renforces the fact that I am allowed to teach out side the box and allow students to open their minds and think for themselves. I see other instructors doing what I call pour and snor. The instructor pours and the students snor. When my students come into the room they know they better be ready to go.

Found this helpful for defining areas on which to focus classroom activities. I plan to develop outlines appropriate to modules already taught to address these learning styles.

I was implementing already lots of stratigies like catering the needs of different types of learners and graphic organizers. I am going to implement guided notes besides power points that I am using already, in the 40,20,10 formatt, flash cards with picture drawings on the back and 15-20 vocabulary terms written on the board that I will be using in the topic of discussion. I heard about these recommendations in the TV room interviews.

I found that ed 108 was very helpful. I plan to use it when planing my next class! It was very interesting to learn and now know how other take in information. I hope that this can help me in reaching all of the students in my classe!!

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