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Learning vs. Teaching with Mr. Bloom | Origin: ED330

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Effective Assessments for Bodywork Instructors --> Learning vs. Teaching with Mr. Bloom

Post what you've learned about this topic and how you intend to apply it. Feel free to post questions and comments too.

I found the Competency Table link so informative.  I look forwarded to using this information to create more interactive opportunities for students to demonstrate their knowledge applications.

I intend to apply Bloom's taxonomy hierarchy to my body work courses in many ways. I will clarify the objectives and outcomes, and I will make sure to pretest and intermittently post-test what I just taught. I would also create mini-lessons for what I'm teaching so I won't be talking for one hour; I should be talking for only 15 minutes and allowing the students to practice more.

encouraging my instructors to use art for teaching kinesiology

I plan to create a more comprehensive rubric for assignments, and give this to the students at the time of assignment so they will know exactly what is expected.


For some students, the science portion of class can be overwhelming at times.  By creating projects, the students would be more engaged and could have a better understanding of kinesiology.

I want to use more art projects with anatomy.


Setting up clear learning objectives in the order of the pyramid from bottom to top

I plan to use more diverse terminology for my objectives. Often times the same verbs are used over and over. This gave a variety of ideas for other ways to word my objectives. 


I plan tofind ways to get the verbs support, compare/contrast and distiguish into my objectives.  I also hope toget students on board with the lower end of the taxonomy pyramid so they have a clearer idea of where we are going.  This sections also inspires me to go back to the drawing board to get students to design yet not necessarily implement massage sessions in class for discussion and critique. 

I plan to find ways to have the students create in classes such as pathology and kinesiology versus remembering.

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