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The Paper or Electronic Resource Notebook

What information have you placed in your paper or electronic Resource Notebook? What have you discovered that you did not know about your institution or the rules and regulations that must be followed?

I've compiled digital copies of our catalog and BPPE documents, and have a file of links to websites and other media that periodically update.
I learned quite a bit by reading some of the admissions restrictions noted by BPPE.


Yes BPPE has been quite prolific in its regulations, that is for sure!

I find that one of the best things is to use the enrollment agreement and catalog "checklists" provided by BPPE (which you can find on their website, under the Applications tab, Compliance tools link). This tells you exactly what MUST be on these documents. It's a great way to quickly see the requirements for admissions. Your accrediting agency will also often provide these checklists too.

Donna Guisado

Hello, In addition to our ACCSC booklet,BPPE booklet included in our resource notebook,we also place specific tabs within the sections that directly affect admissions.

We have a two resource books: 1)one specifically created for admission's training that includes the institution's mission statement, interview packets, catalog, catalog supplements, enrollment agreement, department policies,and etc; 2) (currently being updated)the other resource book is specifically for admissions and compliance.

Updates or changes are addressed via email and in person; whereas admission representatives are asked to replace the older versions with the newer version and ask clarification questions.

I like to idea of receiving the ACCSC & BPPE notification via their website.


It sounds like your organization is really providing you with a constant and solid process for staying updated! Support from your management team is vital in your role. Along with your obvious desire to reach out and receive training, and other information, I think you are going to continue to be great at your job!

Donna Guisado

I have added BPPE documents and copies of our college's catalog and made sure to bookmark the websites and documents that will need updates as the changes occur. There was actually quite a bit of information that I discovered and reconfirmed any doubts that I had about our college's policies.


It's a great way to keep up. There are many websites that you can also subscribe to notifications that they will send directly to your email when changes are made. BPPE provides this, as do many of the accrediting commissions.

Donna Guisado

The notebook has admissions criteria for enrollment such as a person must have a HS transcript and pass an entrance exam. We have information on graduates and alumni and where they are working as well as information on some of the marketing and advertising in place.
I was not aware that the state agencies can directly oversee the admissions staff, making sure they are compliant.


One small but interesting note is the fact that the enrollment agreement and the catalog have to have similar information and new statistics laws and information should be looked at monthly for updates to laws rules and regulations.



The information must be identical in all published documents. Many of the regulatory agencies have the ability for you to sign up for regular notifications. This can help a great deal in keeping up with the changes.

Donna Guisado

I have placed the catalog, standards of accreditation and the bppe info inside my notebook. That we have to keep track of a declined file.

one of the questions asked on the test is does admissions have to answer all questions asked. I answered No because i thought if a candidate had a financial aid..admissions is not allowed to discuss that is something FA must go over with them is that correct?


It is correct to a certain extent. You are able to talk about financial aid in generalities...yes, we have it...yes, we can help you see what you are qualified for...things like that. But going over specific responses about financial aid, such as what do I qualify for, how do I fill out the FAFSA, you cannot respond.

Donna Guisado

That was a question of mine too, as I also answered no to that question. Thank you!

I have placed our school catalog, school performance fact sheet and enrollment agreement in my computer folder. It is helpful to put the ‘latest updated date” on each document to make sure that the info on our website has been changed accordingly.

The enrollment agreement is very important as the policies there are related to every aspect of our school administration including admission.

Information about admissions policies and procedures. I learn more when I print the information and place it in the notebook. When I actually have the physical papers in my hand, I tend to look closer at the material. I learned a lot about our procedures. I was able to read some detailed information about testing.

I have bookmarked the BPPE website,BPPE Laws and Regulations, Articles 8-12 of the California Education Code, a PDF of our Education Catalog and will be adding more accreditation information/resources.

I learned more about Title IV funding programs. Our Financial Aid team handles these inquiries, but it is good information for me to be aware of at our institution.


Sounds like you have this all covered! Having all of those resources at your fingertips is important...prospective students are bound to ask questions and you'll have the right answer ready to go.

Great work!

Donna Guisado


I am an administrator in a small, 100% online university that is BPPE accredited. Due to the complete online nature of my work, I have found that an Electronic Resource Notebook is extremely helpful.

I have included the following in my Electronic Resource Notebook:

1. University Catalog.
2. Student Handbook.
3. Student Website Guide (a guide that teaches students how to navigate and utilize our online learning platform).
4. Administrator Website Guide (how-to guide for administrators using our online learning platform and admin. system).
5. 2014 FERPA Information.
6. Sample Enrollment Agreement (blank).
7. University Fact Sheet
8. Title 5. California Code of Regulations
, Division 7.5. Private Postsecondary Education PDF.
9. A document that gives directions for all procedures that I handle (written and updated by myself).
10. An document that breaks down all staff responsibilities.

I also keep links to the following:

1. Our Public Website.
2. Our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).
3. The Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education site.
4. California Private Postsecondary Education Act of 2009.

Since I have been with my school for a number of years now, I did not find that I did not know certain information, but it was a nice reminder about how important it is to keep all rules and regulations materials current, and to always be on top of any changes in policy or in the University. This can be done by reading up on any updated documents, such as the University catalog, for changes. It is also nice to have things like the catalog, FAQ and Student Handbook in one place for reference to double check things or in case any information is forgotten.

Also, working 100% online means that my electronic files must be kept well-organized. I am still learning how important this is. Previously before starting this course, my different documents were in different folders within one big "work" folder. I have seen now how beneficial it is to have all of the above resources together in one place for maximum ease of use.

I look forward to reading how others have organized themselves and what they've learned, and appreciate any comments. Thank you!

Hello James,

Certainly sounds like you have it all together! I agree that an electronic resource is far more convenient to update, and quickly access for student questions and concerns. So important to be "up-to-date" on all of the areas you mentioned.

Donna Guisado

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