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Faculty Management Details

Identify which of the two following clichés best describes your approach to details concerning online faculty management and explain your preference:
"Don't sweat the small stuff"
"The difference between mediocre and magnificent is in the details."

My personal preference has most likely influenced our institutional position that "The difference between mediocre and magnificent is in the details." It is unrealistic to expect a high level of faculty performance if they are not kept fully informed and have an understanding of why they are required to do specific tasks a certain way or in a prescribed order. The only way those nuances can be understood is if all the pieces are provided in order to complete the puzzle. Faculty that operate from a distance are already disconnected from the everyday workings of the institution. Unless a concentrated effort is made to keep them aware of all the seemingly inconsequential details, they will not fully comprehend the expectations and requirements; this combination can potentially lead to student and faculty dissatisfaction.

Thank you for sharing your insights. Well stated.

Dr. S. David Vaillancourt

The evolution of educational systems would move at a greater pace if more instructors were anal-obsessive. Details are what constitute integrity and professionalism. Glossing over details is a sign of laziness, even if such behavior can be described as "choosing one's battles." Without attention to details, rockets prematurely explode, medicines are improperly labeled, and disinformation creeps into textbooks.

We need to adhere to high principles of circumspection so that we offer good information and encourage students to engage in creative research, where facts, inductive reasoning, and deductive reasoning, all come together.

Well stated. It often true that the difference between mediocre and magnificent is in the details.

Dr. S. David Vaillancourt

I would have to say that I subscribe to the difference between mediocre and magnificent is in the details cliche as it pertains to online faculty management. A high level (30,000 ft.)management style is often sufficient enough for an organization to "get by" and many organizations would be satisfied with that approach and level of effectiveness from their online faculty. I would suggest however, that if you were seeking to have an organization that truly excelled as a model program, then a lower level management style with a focus on all of the little details would be the avenue to pursue. Through the mastery of the details comes the excellence in the finished product.

Agreed. When engaging in a people to people service (like teaching, medicine, etc.) there is a lot of value added when the details are done right. Nice job on this course.

Dr. S. David Vaillancourt

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