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Training of Students

What about the training of students regarding the basics of online learning? Before getting into online learning system.

Having a basic knowledge of online protocol before starting a course or degree is essential to student success. Many students who did not "grow-up" with computers, don't understand all of the requirements for understanding and maneuvering within an an online environment. Undertaking this learning curve while attempting to focus on learning subject matter as well creates fustration for the student and in turn less likelyhood of graduation.

Cheryl ,
I think this is especially true for non-traditional students, although some 18-25 year olds seem to need an orientation to online learning. Video game experience only goes so far!

Linda Scharp

My experience has been similar, Cheryl. Most adult learners struggle with technology and are intimidated by online learning and need to be comfortable with the delivery in order to gain the knowledge from the course objectives. Tutorials are essential to student succes.

Thank you for your question. Cheryl, thank you for your response to Christy.

Linda Scharp

I think this is an essential part of the online learning process. We have just started offering online classes this semester and I have seen many different aspects of learning. These range from students who are extermely computer literate to those who dont know the first thing about how to get around a course. What I have learned is that there may be a good opportunity to have a basic course on how to understand the online course process.

This is imperative. For the last four years we have had a horrible orientation to our Moodle LMS and how courses are structured. It has recently been updated and it is quite excellent now.

Yes, it is imperative for students to be "conversant" with an LMS and the best way to do this is by providing a thorough orientation. It's also important to follow-up either weekly or at worst monthly, with your students and faculty members to ensure they are fully functional with the LMS. Do you have in place assessments to determine how successful your students are with the LMS since you initiated the new training and where potential issues might be restraining them?
Dr. Robert Roehrich

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