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The Challenge of Delegation

The biggest challenge of delegating to me is
letting go! Many times I feel that I can do it
faster and better than trying to take the time
to explain what needs to be done to someone else.

This module has been very helpful in showing the
need to delegate so that your "plate is not
overwhelmed". Many of my staff members are very
capable and creative. Many times their ideas
are great and much more effective. I do realize
the need to delegate and give responsiblity to
others so that they may grow within the
organization and gain confidence.

I understand exactly what you are saying. I sometimes suffer from the same "malady." Thinking of the professional growth of the employee helped me to delegate more effectively. You still have the ultimate responsibility so you don't escape completely but assist and guide as needed. That all takes time, but the end result in terms of morale and professional growth makes it worth the extra effort on your part.

The hardest thing for me is determining what tasks to delegate and what I can do myself. I did not realize how much of a perfectionist I can be until I had to manage a big project recently.
I also have a very hard time envisioning an entire project and only delegating sections of it.
This course has shown me additional tools that I can use when I evaluate what needs to be delegated. I'm excited to start implementing them right away!

Hi Maria,
I agree that it can be difficult to delegate. It takes more time to delegate than it would to just do it yourself. What I find helpful is thinking about the employee and the amount of experience/professional development that he/she would gain by completing the task. The other piece to remember is that the responsibility for satisfactory completion of the task still rests with the supervisor. So coaching and guiding the employee is important.

I find it hard to let go of processes that I developed, I lack the time needed to train others, and I am under staffed. All present a challenge to delegating.

This course has given me much to think about.

I used to feel that way, too. Accepting the fact that the delegation is as much about you and your workload as it is about the employee is key to the process. Knowing that you are helping the employee to develop professionally through delegating select tasks which will help to increase his/her skill sets puts a whole different spin on the process. If you do it right, it can, however, take longer to complete the task because of the need to take the time to train. In the end, it really, though, becomes a win-win situation.

For me the most difficult part of delegating is avoiding being intrusive. I sometimes find myself offering unsolicited advice as soon as I believe a direct report is struggling, rather than waiting to see if they can think their way though an obstacle. This course has given me some great tools to improve my delegating skills.

I, too, used to struggle with delegation because I felt the responsibility for the task. It was important that I change my perspective and look at what the employee might gain as a result of completing that task. By not delegating, the employee is deprived of the opportunity to learn new skills and to gain a higher level of visibility. It means, too, that the supervisor has to be selective in determining which tasks to delegate to which employee so that the employee does indeed benefit. The supervisor stills retains ultimate responsibility for the successful completion of the task and guides the employee when/if needed to assure that success.

For me, the most challenging part of the delegation process is delegating in the first place. Often, I feel guilty because my staff already has a full plate. When I reluctantly delegate, I tend to over invest myself in the task. As a participant in this course, I am beginning to better understand delegation is an opportunity for a staff member to really shine and demonstrate skills and abilities beyond their regular job duties. I need to start looking at delegation as an opportunity for staff development.

The most challenging part for me is determining if delegating is worth the time it would take to teach someone else how to execute the task when deadlines are looming in the very near future.

These exercises have helped me realize that I need to delegate more often so that staff gain more experience and are able to handle more tasks in the future.

Yours is a common pitfall of delegating. Many times, I have had the thought that it is easier to just do it myself rather than to show someone else how to complete a task. That position, however, is unfair to the employees who would love the challenge of learning something new. Deadlines certainly have to be a consideration but so does the return on investment of your time and effort to train. The ROI can be measured in improved employee morale, better division of labor, improved quality of performance, preparation for promotion, etc. The benefits far outweigh the negatives.
Delegation is something which takes practice but the payback can be enormous. It is important to give credit where credit is due in order to positively impact morale and provide the visibility which can later impact a career.

You are absolutely correct in your comments. Delegation can be difficult at first because you do experience a sense of guilt. Once you begin to see the positive impact on employee morale, employee skill levels, readiness for promotions,and items off your plate, the more inclined you will be to recognize the value of delegating. In fact, to fail to delegate is a disservice to your employees. It is an opportunity for them to gain visibility within the organization when they are asked to step in and take on a new task. We all need new challenges to keep our interest high. As long as you continue to provide the support and acknowledgement, employees will readily accept the new opportunities.


Delegation can be difficult. If you can get beyond the guilt, though, and begin to recognize and understand the value that delegation brings to the employee, it becomes easier. There needs to be some thought put into what to delegate and to whom. Everyone is not ready to take on additional tasks. Nor is every task appropriate for delegation. A big part of the process should be the consideration of the staff development needs of a particular individual employee. Matching up the task with those development needs creates that win-win, which is so important.

You talk about over investing yourself in the task. That gets better with practice and as you get to know the skills and talents of your staff. How much can they take on? How much direction to they need? Which task is most appropriate for delegating? Learning how to be that "guide on the side" takes time and practice.

Good luck as you practice your delegation skills.

The most challenging part is letting the employee do the work themselves without being intrusive. Whether it be a task that is enjoyed or simply worried that they are taking too long or just won't do it correctly.

You are correct that it is difficult to remain as the coach on the side. Too often, we are hung up on allowing them space to develop those new skills and fail to recognize the need for our intervention. It is a fine line and balance that we need to walk carefully. Establishing a comfort level for the employee to speak up when they need help or do not understand is sometimes difficult for a supervisor to do but yet it is important. Checking in periodically, establishing touchpoints for progress helps to ensure that the task is moving forward on schedule to a successful on-time completion.

Getting or staying too involved is difficult for a supervisor given the fact that the supervisor continues to have the ultimate responsibility for completing the task. Knowing when to intervene and when to let the employee find their own way is a skill that a supervisor learns over time. It is really all essentially a matter of situational leadership. It depends on the employee and his/her ability to take a task and run with it. It can be so much easier to just do it yourself but to do so robs an employee of the opportunity to gain new skills.

Dr. Patricia Kapper

For me, the most challenging part of delegating to a direct report is determining whether or not I should delegate the project or not.

This course has been very helpful with giving me criteria in which to decide whether to delegate or not.

You really need to look beyond whether or not your should delegate a project. Further consideration should be given to whether the employee will benefit from the delegation. Does the responsibility for the task add to the individual's professional growth? Knowing the professional growth needs of your staff helps you to determine the kind of task that would be beneficial. It has to be delegation which is a win-win rather than dumping a task that you simply don't want to do. Once a task is delegated, it is your responsibility to follow up periodically to make sure that appropriate progress is being made. Ultimate responsibility for the successful completion of the task continues to rest with you, the supervisor.

The most challenging part of delegating is to ensure that the person you are delegating to is provided with all the tools to be successful. You must also be sure that the individual has the capabilities to handle the project

Delegation should be a win-win for both the manager/supervisor and the direct report. The supervisor needs to consider the skills and developmental needs of the employee. Delegation can be a terrific morale builder also. Delegating a task which takes into account the needs of the company as ell as the employee allows the supervisor to gain assistance ith workload and allows the employee to gain new skills. Delegation is not a total handoff but instead something which requires follow up throughout the project. Doing so ensures the project is completed as expected and in a timely manner.

Dr. Patricia Kapper

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