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Delegation responsibilities

In order to delegate responsibilities to others you must first understand what it is you want or need to have accomplished. Finding the right person or team to perform the task, and to have some set guidelines, for follow ups. Keeping in touch is very valuable to you and the team combined. This shows you team your trust and interest in the project, and it in case direction is needed you can assist.

I agree and would add if possible I will ask what I can do to help this is to add suport and show respect.

Oh yea how about those V-Rods you have been thinking about... I think I can help you get the bikes you need.............. :)

Not only do I ask if assistance is required I often provide additional documentation to assist the team handling the project. Offering documentation also shows support and guides the team's efforts to meet the project's goals. A standing reminder that I am available for assistance is communicated during the discussion of the project.

I Agree at all

I also agree

When delegating responsibilties it is necessary to communicate during the project. Too many mangers will delegate and wash their hands of the project and that is not a ture leader.

So true of washing hands....and then coming back when the project is complete and taking credit for being the geniuses of the project. Or just dumping the “blame” if errors occurred…from my experience those errors occurred due to miscommunication.

Monitoring and coarching are two excellent forms of letting your team or individuals know of your expectations for a project.

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