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problem solving Dr. House brainstorming session style

To practice problem solving skills in the classroom/clinic/lab environment we use case studies very much like the House M.D. t.v. series. Students are presented with a clents condition and must explore which technique will be best to benefit their clients.

I am a big fan of case studies as learning tools. I use them a lot in my classes for the reasons you list.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

Hello Suzie,
Not only is this format effective students are more engaged and practice critical thinking without (Pun) thinking about it.

I agree case studies are an excellent way to get students to think things through. It also encourages brainstorming ideas to find the solution.

I use them a lot in my classes for the reasons that have been listed in this forum. They help students to see the situations they will be facing in their career area and ways they can solve the problems listed in the case studies.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

Although I agree with comparing case studies with the House episodes, there is one aspect that always bothered be with the show, even though I was a fan of the show: for 45 - 50 minutes of each episode, the team constantly misdiagnoses the problem with the patient. I realize that if they get it right the first time, it doesn't make for a 60-minute show. However, I also think that the series also shows/showed that making mistakes is part of the learning process.

Aw the beauty and timing of television. Crimes are solved, relationships healed, and diseases identified in 45-50 minutes each week. This presents a challenge for many of our students because they want everything wrapped up in a short and defined period of time just like TV. Well life does not work that way and as a result they are going to have to work at self discipline if they are going to be effective problem solvers.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

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