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Different Devices Needed

There are many different learning techniques that can be used to help students acquire new knowledge and skill.

One thing that I feel is important for instructors to remember is that the same technique may not work for all students. For example, a graphic organizer may work well for a visual-spatial learner while an outline to fill in may work better for a verbal-linguistic learner.

After introducing each type of device, it may be beneficial for the instructor to make multiple devices available to the students and let them chose which works most effectively for them

Hi Jo Ann,
Well said. The key is variety and options. By following your plan your students will have their preferences addressed and they can be successful in picking and using the ones that work for them.

i think sometimes interacting with the students in alot of different ways helps them. but it must be done there style

Quite true. The courses I work with have devices in place to help with this. One is self-directed power points that students can review. My offering live interaction with courseroom presentations, sound and visuals are included. Also the lectures are recorded so that the students may review them. Finally - there are self-practice exams for students who wish a more rote method of learning.

Jocelyn Dervis

I agree that different devices are needed in teaching. Adult learners have not changed, we have only identified that there are those who lack information gathering due to ADHD, autism, and other disorders. Our children/grandchldren have named these spectrums for us today. Our job as instructors is to help guide students to become productive adults in the work setting. We must attempt to teach using devices that reach all students.

with every lesson plan you should add in all areas of learning, audio visual tactile.

Hi Todd,
Good point about offering instruction in a variety of delivery formats. This way you will be able to appeal to the learning preferences of all of the students.

That is so true and well said. Students have so much resources for their ed. and learning. We need to tap into new types of sources and allow students to interact in ways that will stimulate their learning.

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