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Yes repetition is the key, but constructive criticism on the repetition is also the key.
sometimes we say and do that word, without letting students know that to be the best at any task, repetition and making mistakes is the key
I uasually use the examples of ,
Kobe Bryant
Tiger Woods and
Alan Inverson.

Two of them valued practice and are the very best at what they do reaching the pinnicle of their profession,
and the last one did not put real value on practice/repetition and never acheived the stature, recognition and ultimitily the success that repetition gives you.

I love it! The master again teaches his apprentice but I agree with chef here...repetition is the only true way of mastering anything. The more you attempt something the more you can grasp the nuiances.

I need to keep in mind language and learning challenges, sometimes i need to repeat it 4-5 times, other times we need to repeat the same information in another form so students can grasp the same info while making it interesting.

in the cosmetology world, the hands on clinic classes are great for using repetition for learning different haircuts and application techniques.

Hi Carly,
This is a vital learning strategy. You all in cosmetology have refined this process so it helps students to acquire and retain vast amounts of knowledge plus skill a reasonable period of time.

When working in the software environment as I do I find that repetition is imperative. The student must repeat a certain process 20-50 times before they TRULY sink it into there brain.

Repetition is a powerful learning tool. The job of the instructor is to help the students through the repetition process while keeping them excited and engaged about what they are learning. Sounds like you have a good system to make that happen.

This is imperative in the culinary field as well. Practice, practice, practice! We all make mistakes; however, it is by making mistakes that we in turn learn. In turn, by learning we minimize mistakes and these mistakes are minimized through and by repetition.

Bruce ,
Well said and so true. Good strategy for instructors to follow.

I believe repetition helps students with retention of course material. I tie the material together by class lecture, class discussion, homework, quizes, and then the exam. The students will have experienced the course material multiple times before the exam.

For what Chef Ochi and I teach this is actively demonstrated. Retention of knowledge or a technique demands repeated exposure and practice. The same is true about a "refresher" of the material for a technique or skill that has not been utelized in a long time.

In culinary, repitition is key. The students need to first learn a skill, then repeat it until it becomes a habit or second nature.

If the students can see progress being made as they repeat the procedures they will start to see the relevance of how repetition impacts their skill development.

Repetition as a learning tool is also extremely valuable in the culinary school where I am a chef instructor. Whether our students are in a classroom learning about different types of poultry, or in a kitchen cutting up whole chickens into pieces, doing things over and over again is the key to retention and proficiency. Chances are, when they leave school and go to work in a restaurant, not only will they need to be able to identify different types of poultry and communicate this knowledge with others around them, but they will have to use their physical skills of poultry fabrication on a daily basis as well. Practice maybe doesn't always make perfect, but it certainly makes one competent and more efficient.

In the Medical Assisting Program repetition in Clinicals is a plus for our students. Some of our Labs are repeated as much as 10 times or more. We get good results with this practice.

Repetition is a powerful learning tool. The more repetition and application you can offer students the greater their retention of content is going to be. Good strategy you have working for you.

Dr. Gary Meers

Repeat, repeat and repeat. This is truly something that can help everyone. If you can't do it right the first time you always have a chance to do it again until you eventually master it.

Repetition is a powerful learning tool that we need to help our students with. Repeat until the concept or procedure is internalized and stored in long term memory.

Dr. Gary Meers

repetition at first may seem boring and a waste of time for some students. since they feel they have mastered the task with only a few attempts. we need to make them understand that it fine tunes our skills and makes us more efficient. There will be a time when we will rely on our experiences in repitition; to help resolve things that dont go as planned.

Thank you for these good comments about the value of repetition as a teaching tool. Getting the content stored in their working memory is an important part of the educational process.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

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