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The Decoding Process

The decoding method is such a useful tool in lecturing by breaking down your discussion into bits of content that students can understand and prepare for storage in their memories. Typically, I always use diagrams and visual graphics representation to show the relationship or association between what I am lecturing and what they’re looking at when I’m speaking. This will connect between visual and message/point that I’m trying to get across. I believe this technique shows my students that I can help make them successful learners as well as reducing frustration for myself as well.
K. Boodparset

Hi K,
You are right on with your comments about decoding. By breaking down the content into small enough units the students can grasp their meaning and then build a solid foundation leading to higher order thinking as a result of this solid foundation.

When I lecture I use power points, I put astrisks at important points, and I will draw pictures of diagrams on the board. I find that drawing on the board seems to be the best method for inderstanding.

Hi Robert,
By using both forms of technology you are reinforcing the content with your students. They get to see application with the PP and the board. The movement and change of the visual line from screen to board offers the students the opportunity to "reset" their minds and stay engaged.

I try to group chapters together that may not follow one another in the text, but, provide a logical progression of material in order to try to bring students to the "ah ha" moment.

I tend to use a lower tech approach - I draw diagrams and simples pictures on the white board to illustrate a complex subject that I have just discussed. I can break donw the larger subject to the key points via the drawn diagram as it develops

I am a clinical nursing instructor. I also use the method of decoding by breaking down the content into small enough units for the students to grasp.All clinical skills consist of numerous steps on completion. By breaking downs steps and constantly doing students become successful, competent and autonomous learners.
Mariann U

I make it a point to introduce students to my "jazz hands" at the beginning of a class. I state that when the Jazz Hands come up you make specific notes. This is quite effective. Usually half way throug the course the student are interjecting their own "Jazz Hands."
I keep the focus on the topics and the students are thankful for the cues. I would define this learning tool as "scaffolding" because it is meant as only a temporary learning tool. If I continued to point out course topics in this manner it would become somewhat remedial and possibly insulting to students.

I also use drawings on the board when I am explaining a topic.This also helps when used with a power point presentation as another visual aid to help the students understand the topic.When this is done I normally ask the students if they can think of a common example of the subject we have just explained to make sure they understand.

I strongly agree with using the board for drawing. Simply to visualize your content in a larger scale helps retain information with more ease.

I believe you are right and the reason for this is as follows: when we drawing something on the white board and explain things, students see the "process in the progress" and it is always better and more efficient way for most of people to digest information and to retain it longer.

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