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What is concrete and what is perception?

We know perception is reality but is reality concrete? I think it depends on the individual!
What I might feel is a waste of time might be anothers way of taking a mental break. If I did not know that person I would be sure they were lazy because my eyes and ears tell me they are not doing anything but sitting there with a blank look on their face. To my way of thinking that would be concrete when in reality what I think I'm seeing is not the total picture. Now if I heard soothing music and the facial expression I would have to decide what might be going on.

If I had a similar situation of a student sitting in front of me with a blank look on his face, I would percieve that he is a student who is an audatory learner I would turn the topic around and start asking questions. If the student was able to reply accurately, my perception would be correct. If the student continued to stare at me, stated "I don't know", or refused to participate, then my perception is wrong and he is either taking a mental break or has tuned out.

Good plan for "reading" students. Instructors need to develop this ability because on any given day they need to figure out what is driving or challenging a student.

It's important to remember that each and every student is an individual and their way of looking at the world can be radically different than ours. Approaching the students as though they are all one in the same is a real mistake because until you get to know the student personally you can never know what type of teaching they will best respond to or what kinds of things they are most interested in learning from you.

"Everyone's perception of reality is their own reality." That is one of my favorite sayings. two people can be looking at the same exact thing and perceive it in two totally different ways. As an instructor I think it is very important that we remember their are millions of different ways people may perceive the very same thing and sometimes that can be a very challenging part of our job.

Good point that really challenges us as educators. Each person is unique as we know so trying to find the keys to their learning preferences is something that we strive to do each time we step into the classroom. The rewards are great though when we see the light bulb come on and we know they "got it".

Concrete is reality scientifically proven while perception is our creative intepretation of reality.

Like your statement. Simple and yet very informative.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

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