Stacy Riccio

Stacy Riccio

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I think that if I can make the information relatable to something a student has experienced through their own life or someone elses, it helps them to retain the information. My students seem to participate more and comprehend more when they can relate "personally" to the topic. I realize this cannot work with everyone and every topic but it is a great stepping stone.
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I am excited to try a couple of the suggested learning games! I teach an evening class and toweard the endof the class I can see everyone getting sleepy. I think these games are a great way to get the students active, involved and AWAKE.
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I have used a game in my Med Term class that involves splitting the class into two groups and answering various types of Medical Terminology questions. I have found resistance from some students who claimed, they did not like games. I found that once we got started they really enjoyed themselves and actually learned or rembered things they thought they didn't know. Does anyone one else use games in their classes or have any suggestions for group activities?

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