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Adult Learners

Do you believe adults are better able to cope with learning issues.

College age have had more experince with there issues that younger students or older adults.But younger people i thing adapt to there learning issues quicker.

Hi John,
Based upon my experience I believe their coping skills are developed as a result of life experiences and survival. They have learned how to work around their learning issues and maintain their careers. This is why they are often very concerned about their ability to be successful in the career college classroom since they are not sure exactly what will be required of them or how they can be successful. They need support and understanding during the early part of their careers as students.

Hi Richard,
I think you are right on both points. This is why it is good to develop opportunities for both groups to work together to benefit from what each group brings to the learning setting.

I agree with your breakdown of young adult or college age students having an easier time learning new material. What's interesting is the adult learners life experience and attitude towards the practical application of the information. My experience has shown that adult or second career learners are able to apply what they have learned in their new jobs quickly.

Hi Gilbert,
I have found this to be true as well. They come in with extensive life experiences so they are ready to make application of the content and understand the relevance of what they are studying to their career goals.

I believe so , adult learners have a mission , they are there because they want something better for them selfs and not because someone made them do it , specially if they are paying for it .

Hi Antonio,
Right you are about the adult learners. They have focus and want to achieve their set goals that will help them with their career goals.

Most of our students have no idea how to go about learning the material. the younger students are not given the tools needed in their pevious schooling but are pushed through to graduation. this presents a big problem when they come into my classroom and i expect them to pass a test by recalling information. I have to take the time to explain to the student how to prepair for the next test so that they have a chance of passing.

I don't think that is necessarily true. I think it has a lot to do with that adult's life experience. It defines how and what we are willing to learn.

But what is the definition of "adult". I have students of many ages, and they can't be automatically divided. Some older adult learners are still immature, while young students can be very focused.

Hi Mitch,
You got that right. This is one of the challenges of being an instructor. Different maturity levels as well as different levels of dedication to being successful or unsuccessful students.

I agree with you that adult learners are on a "mission" when they decide to expand on their education, they come equipped and ready to learn and tend to be more concerned with assignments and projects, ask more questions, etc. However, sometimes depending on age there may be a little less flexibilty on some issues.

Hi Gina,
Good points about how to work with adult learners. There are some great advantages to having them in class as long as you are able to meet their challenges and help them understand how they can be successful in your class.

I agree. Students in my classroom range from 17 years of age to 60 years of age. We must be able to incorporate the pyschosocial and cognitive development of each individual students as well as their learning style (to better assist each student and his/her needs).

Adult learners are able to cope with learning issues because they are mature for various tasks and they have work expereince to help them.

Yes, if you don't treat them like children and explain things out in full detail.

That's too bad you characterize the majority of the students as such. Obviously, we are instructors, perhaps Chef Instructors and teachers, it should be a goal and mindset of all teachers to help and not stereotype or be condescending to our students. I also find some students to be challenging, but given the right help and insight they too can succeed. In addition, I believe presenting the lecture through modern technology, i.e., PowerPoints, videos, handouts and utilizing the dry erase board, helps bridge the learning gap from many different angles. Furthermore, by reiterating and recalling in the first week what the students should have retained from the previous classes and or lectures, helps move this info into the long memory instead of short-term.

Good way to offer variety in your instructional delivery. This will help the students to be engaged and see the value of the course content.

Well, I think it depends. Most get very frustrated. They also get stuck on being perfect and right insyead of learning from mistakes. Some go with the flow and are able to learn from mistakes and jump back into the swing of school.

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