Dick Jones

Dick Jones

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What are the characteristics of school culture (artifacts, conversations, or procedures) in your school that are counter to a career readiness culture?

What areas in your school need improvement related to developing student career readiness?

Career Solutions Publishers has a series of learning modules on academics in careers. It is called Hands-on for Careershttps://careersolutionspublishing.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/4324/2020/09/Hands-on-Academics-for-Careers-2020.pdf

The 69 modules targeting specific careers are 20-30 pages each with typical math, science, English, social studies activities performed on the job including critical thinking, workplace politics, news, and entrepreneurial problem-solving.

The fees are an annual subscription for groups of careers. You should be able to request a sample for review.

Career Solutions Publishers has a series of learning modules on academics in careers. It is called Hands-on for Careershttps://careersolutionspublishing.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/4324/2020/09/Hands-on-Academics-for-Careers-2020.pdf

The 69 modules targeting specific careers are 20-30 pages each with typical math, science, English, social studies activities performed on the job including critical thinking, workplace politics, news, and entrepreneurial problem-solving.

The fees are an annual subscription for groups of careers. You should be able to request a sample for review.

This discussion is to share teaching material available from other sources. This could include commercial sources and free open-source materials. Sharing items here is not the endorsement of any one product, but teachers are welcome to share opinions and recommendations. Be sure to share links to locate materials.

Click the Add Comment button to add a new resource

This discussion is to share teaching material available from other sources. This could include commercial sources and free open-source materials. Sharing items here is not the endorsement of any one product, but teachers are welcome to share opinions and recommendations. Be sure to share links to locate materials.

Click the Add Comment button to add a new resource

Career Solutions Publishers has a series of learning modules on academics in careers. It is called Hands-on for Careers. https://careersolutionspublishing.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/4324/2020/09/Hands-on-Academics-for-Careers-2020.pdf

The 69 modules targeting specific careers are 20-30 pages each with typical math, science, English, social studies activities performed on the job including critical thinking, workplace politics, news, and entrepreneurial problem-solving.

The fees are an annual subscription for groups of careers. You should be able to request a sample for review.

This discussion is to share teaching material available from other sources. This could include commercial sources and free open-source materials. Sharing items here is not the endorsement of any one product, but teachers are welcome to share opinions and recommendations. Be sure to share links to locate materials.

Click the Add Comment button to add a new resource

Here is an excellent contrast of School Writing vs Work Writing.  This could be useful for students to think differently about the writing they do in CTE classes. This is from Career Solutions Publishing. https://careersolutionspublishing.com


Discussion Comment

 The CTE Administrator Competency Matrix has been updated.  Several out-of-date links are fixed. In addition, references are added for the chapters in the new third volume of the  ACTE CTE Leadership Handbook: 10 Additional Things to Know. 


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