Raymond  Donnelly

Raymond Donnelly

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Interaction always mentally stimulating, thought provoking and makes learning a more pleasurable experience. 

Great lesson! Great teaching/Coaching tool! 

"checking the boxes" "doting the I's-crossing the T's" "taking ownership of your role" are all lessons in compliance, integrity and basically ensuring that you are providing clear, concise, accurate information at all times. 

Wow? Not sure where to start? I could go over this section again-a lot of Title IX info to process and stay abreast on. The Cleary act, purpose(es), protections and standards are all very important to campus life, structure and safety procedures. 

The awareness of external laws and standards and how they inner-act and conflict with FERPA was enlightening; very enlightening. 

I really didn't realize all of the different facets of FERPA responsibilities and practices. 

A great refresher. There are always different situations and scenarios that sometimes present themselves and challenges to FERPA compliance. It's always good to know the standards and how they apply to each unique situation.  

Information sensitivity and compliance. 

This section was definitely one of the most 'thought provoking' and unexpectantly interesting. I have never thought about a 'legacy' in education although the thought itself heightens awareness of "the nowness of the moment". In short, if we are all active participants in education as an institution-we are all actively architects of our own legacies. Consciously? Or unconsciously? Goooood stuff. 

Compliance is always a good refresher. 

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