Phillip White III

Phillip White III

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-Active listening requires that you pay attention, show that you're listening, provide feedback, defer judgement, and respond appropriately. 

-In the 6 distinct relationships b/w body language and verbal messages, the most significant relationship to look for is when body language contradicts the spoken message. This is very common and it's important that you recognize these occasions. 

-When you allow your mind to create a mental model of the information being communicated, your brain will do the necessary work to visualize the communication - thus keeping you focused, with senses fully alert, and engaged in the conversation. 

-Good listening is critical… >>>

-When you listen more and talk less as you ask questions, you will have the appreciation of the receiver, assist in building a relationship, and produce a sense of validation in the receiver. 

-Humility, curiosity, patience, self awareness, respects, and empathy are the key attributes of great listeners. In addition, great listeners give you their full attention, showing that they care. Great listeners make listening an active rather than a passive activity. 

-Having a closed filter causes the listener to judge every conversation from their own perspective rather than listening objectively. If your response it to automatically compare the speaker's… >>>

-It's important to note that you're not trying to change the content of the question, just the way the receiver feels about it. 

-Past, Present, Future Sequencing's goal is so the receiver sees the issue from varying perspectives and identifies potential solutions. 

-The interrogation technique is a trap because it involves asking multiple questions in a row and, in most cases, only the last question is answered by the receiver. Thus, this techniques leaves questions unanswered. 

-A simple question is powerful because it allows the receiver to focus their energy on the response, instead of trying to understand the question. 

-Open questions are effective for promoting awareness, learning what the other person thinks, understanding the other person, uncovering motives, or discovering details. 

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