Nicole Arndt

Nicole Arndt

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It takes multiple tools to provide the appropriate feedback you want to make continuous changes to improve your online course.


I learned the importance of a dynamic syllabus and how important scaffolding is to the online environment to ensure students are learning the modules.


The most important thing I learned was module consitency to make it easier on the students and less stressful in finding information.


I've learned in this module how to keep good records to reduce disorganization, communicating with students, and resolving student conflicts.  I'll be sure to read the policies and procedures through my company to ensure I know all the do's and dont's.


In this module we learned about synchronous vs asynchonous discussions.  It is important to engage students to ensure student participation and how to keep discussions upbeat and active.  All great information!


In this module I've learned, how to be present in an online scenario, how to have authority in an online scenario and how to establish a relationship with online students.  I liked the suggestion of asking each student to tell me and everyone a little something about themselves in a discussion forum along with myself providing a short biography for them to get to know me a little better as well.


I've learned that being in an online environment, the expectations are different than those of an in person learning environment.  Students tend to be more comfortable and at ease believing that they have more support.  I will take this information and use the tasks provided to ensure the students are getting everything they need for their online learning experience.


In this module we learned about instructor mistakes.  I'm afraid I'll be in that category of worrying about the "what ifs" that will likely not occur.  I will take the advice that was given and stay focused, have myself organized and prepared for each lesson.


This module was very interesting in understanding student's behaviors and strategies on best practices in getting through them.  In this module we learned how to spot out cheating students and how as an instructor to monitor that student and ways to stop the cheating.  


In this module we learned how to manage different types of students.  There will be many different types of students and as instructors it is our responsiblity to learn a way to work those students to ensure the entire class is benefiting with your learning.  


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