Kwinn Doran

Kwinn Doran

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Vague use of "Native American" technique in this section, without specifying which specific nation used or still uses such a technique is highly problematic. For many reasons. 

Reading comprehension is a significant issue in educational environment

Remembering that the student's language ability will increase as the course proceeds (if effective methods are used) helps keep teaching ESL situations in perspective. The overall course goals are not lost. 

a combination of self assesment and instructor grade is a good way to evaluate group work. 

video / recording lecture is a good technique to evaluate

while the transition to electronic gradebooks is long in effect, the ideas governing paper gradebooks apply to electronic gradebooks and help consider the best methods. 

pretests have multiple uses, and also direct how to engage administration and other elements of university outside of classroom

powerpoints and flip charts have similar guidelines for clarity, etc. 

an occasional pause is not only ok, it is valuable, not something to be feared or avoided. 

Require and guide students to use examples and evidence from class learning in essays. 

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